




1.猫吉·米勒(有时也叫他“大嘴”“激情杀手”)   “老猫”(The Cat)——凯蒂诺·莫布利   “大佐”(Zo)——阿隆佐·莫宁(今年总决赛的几 …

3.卫斯理之老猫 今天 Today 猫:看见死亡的双眼 The Cat 快递惊魂 Quick ...

6.衞斯理之老猫 ... 1992年 力王 / Story of Ricky 1992年 衞斯理之老猫 / The Cat 1992年 绝代双骄 / Handsome Sibpngs ...

7.猫图片 绿色纹理图片 Green Texture 猫图片 the cat 咖啡渣图片 coffee grounds ...


1.If your attention is elsewhere, you may not notice these signals and so when the cat bites, it certainly appears as if there was no warning.如果你的注意力在别处,也许就不会注意到这些信号,所以当她咬你时,就肯定会好像没有事先警告一样。

2.When it had gone past he crossed the road , keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating .卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。

3.The second took the cat's eyes and fitted them into his head, and the third put the pig's heart in place.第二个娶了他的头猫的眼睛,装上他们,而第三个到位猪的心。

4.The cat is used to sleeping in that basket and refuses to be moved to any other places.猫已经习惯睡在那个篮子里而不愿被移到别的地方。

5.He was Holmes, the cat that wanted to be in the room with you no matter what you were doing.他是福尔摩斯,一只无论你在做什么都想在屋子里陪你的猫。

6.Water can be available up to the time of surgery and is necessary if the cat is held in the trap for more than eight hours after capture.如果猫在抓取之后达超过八小时在圈套中被拿着,水直到外科手术的时候可能是可得的并且是必需的。

7.'By the way, what became of the baby? ' said the Cat. 'I'd nearly forgotten to ask. '“顺便问一声,那个婴孩变成什么了?”猫说,“我差一点忘了。”

8.When boys do not know that, if the time for a while, she did not give her the news, pke the cat inside the heart, pke grasping;男孩儿不知道什么时候发觉,如果一会儿时间没有给她有她消息,心里面就跟猫儿抓一样;

9.He thought he was the cat's pajamas, and all he did was talk about himself and what he'd done.他觉得他实在太不同凡响了,一直在谈论自己以及自己的成就作为。

10.The youngest son was rather disturbed by his inheritance. He sat down to think about what to do next, when suddenly, the cat began to speak!小儿子对他继承的遗产感到相当懊恼。他坐下来思考下一部该怎麽办,这时突然,那只猫开始说话了!