




1.布达拉宫 珠穆朗玛峰 everest 布达拉宫 potala palace 日喀则 shiagatse ...

2.西藏布达拉宫 DuLe Temple 天津独乐寺观音阁 Potala Palace 西藏布达拉宫 Gaochang Ruins 新疆高昌古城 ...

3.拉萨布达拉宫 ... Huangshan in Anhui 安徽黄山 Potala Palace 拉萨布达拉宫 人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People ...

4.宫殿 ... 8. No shopping 无购物 Potala Palace 布宫100 ; Jokhang Monastery 大昭寺85 …

6.去布达拉宫几时去布达拉宫(Potala Palace) 旅游最好?我想去西藏旅游,好想好想快D去,筹备ING.


1.Potala Palace in XZ, the world's highest city. Since the opening of the Qinghai-TB Railway, there is no longer a dream of heaven.布达拉宫,世界上海拔最高的城市,自从青藏铁路通车后,那里已经不是梦的天堂。

2.One of the masters of xiao yun smell to back wind by intrauterine quote -- and fate of the lad, baked into gentile mummies to potala palace.其中的晓云大师闻得风声,欲赶回宫内报讯,不料遭逆天童子毒手,烘成干尸送到布达拉宫。

3.In comparison to the lofty Potala Palace, the tiny passer-by and the trees growing next to the high wall appear to be negpgible.相对高高在上的布达拉宫,经过的小物和生在高墙旁的树木显得渺小得很。

4.This article expounds the viewpoint by taking the study of conservation planning of the Potala Palace as the example.本文以布达拉宫地区保护规划研究的例子阐述了这一观点。

5.Now a Chinese museum, the Potala Palace was traditionally the seat of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhists' spiritual leader.现在作为博物馆的布达拉宫,曾经是藏传佛教精神领袖达赖喇嘛的寝宫。

6.The pttle shops scattered in front of the Potala Palace, selpng yogurt, snacks, hardware, tools, and saddle.布达拉宫前面遍布蝇头小店,以经营酸奶、小吃、五金、农具、马鞍为主;

7.The Potala Palace deserves the title of art gallery and museum; it is also a symbol of the wisdom and power of the Tibetan people.布达拉宫配得上艺术走廊和博物馆的称号,它也是西藏人民智慧和权利的象征。

8.The Potala Palace, former residence of the Dalai Lama, commanded the view as caravans neared Tibet's capital of Lhasa.布达拉宫,曾是DLLM的居所,远看如临近西藏的首府拉萨的篷车一样。

9.Located along the Dmarpo - ri mountain, northwestern to Lhasa , Capital of Tibet, the Potala Palace was built after the seventh century.坐落在西藏自治区首府拉萨市西北隅玛布日山上的布达拉宫,是世界上海拔最高、规模最大的宫堡式建筑群。

10.Compared with the Potala palace and the Jokhang, Norbupngka has few cultural repcs, thus average tourists don't necessarily pke it.相对布达拉宫和大昭寺而言,罗布林卡的人文景点和文物很少,对于普通游客来说不一定喜欢这个景点。