




1.潜在产出 618、Post hoc fallacy 后此谬误 620、Potential output 潜在产出 621、Poverty 贫困 ...

2.潜能产出 Real GDP 实际 Potential output 潜在产量 GDP 缺口 ...

4.可能的产出额.全就业GDP:指的是在长期的生产水平,有时也叫做潜在生产水平potential output)或自然产出率(natural rate of output) ps: …

6.可能的产出量 ... pick counter 织机产量表; 织物分析镜 potential output 可能产量; 可能的产出量 设备功率 plant capacity ...

7.潜在的产出明即使中央银行的目标是对的――减少实际总产出与经济潜在总产出potential output)的差距和实际通胀,人为的货币政策(…


1.But it had big benefits on the aggregate supply side, as it complemented private sector initiative in expanding potential output.但它对总供给方大有好处,因为它在扩大潜在产出能力方面促进了私营部门的积极性。

2.These "fundamental determinants of the growth of potential output do not seem to have deteriorated at all, " he said.“潜在产出增长的这种基本决定因素似乎完全没有退化。”他如是说。

3.One small turbine at Lerwick, known as Betsy, is bepeved to be the world's most productive, reaching 59% of its potential output.位于勒威克(Lerwick)的一个称为“贝齐”(Betsy)的小型风力发电机被认为是世界上效率最高的,达到其潜在发电量的59%。

4.This time round, the credit crisis reduced potential output not in the energy-intensive but in the credit-intensive part of the economy.而这一次,因信贷危机而受损的不只是能源密集型行业的潜在产出,还包括信贷密集型行业的潜在产出。

5.The unemployment rate has come down anyway, more due to a puzzpng lack of labour force growth than to above-potential output growth.失业率已回落,其中更多的原因与其说是高于潜在产出的增长不如说是令人费解的缺乏劳动力的增长。

6.These labour-markets shifts are the main reason to be pessimistic about America's potential output growth.这些劳动力市场的转变也是人们对美国的潜在产出的增长感到悲观的主要原因。

7.If the surplus countries do not expand domestic demand relative to potential output, the open world economy may even break down.如果顺差国家不扩大相对于潜在产出的内需,开放的全球经济甚至可能最终崩溃。

8.The central bank defines that as the difference between actual output and potential output, expressed as a percentage of potential output.央行将之定义为实际产出与可能产出之间的差额,以可能产出的百分比来表示。

9.Moreover, it does not make much difference if the loss of potential output now were to be 5 per cent or even 10 per cent.此外,潜在产出的损失现在是5%还是10%已经没有太大关系。

10.If domestic spending rises relative to potential output, the current account surplus will diminish automatically.如果相对于潜在产出国内支出提高,那么经常账户盈余将会自动减小。