




1.渥伦斯基,但是我最近对此甚感兴趣。对我来讲,证据最鲜明的是佛伦斯基Vronsky)的自杀,一个你所喜欢的情节。於我,这个情 …

4.沃伦斯基每个版本的《安娜·卡列尼娜》电影除了比较安娜与情郎沃伦斯基Vronsky)的俊美之外,都免不了要在火车上做文章,从火 …

5.弗龙斯基 ... 弗龙斯基 Vronski 弗龙斯基 Vronsky 弗龙斯基 Wronski ...


1.With the insight of a man of the world, Vronsky classified her as belonging to the best society.凭着社交界中人的眼力,渥伦斯基辨别出她是属于上流社会的。

2.Unhappily married Anna first encounters the charismatic Count Vronsky as she steps off a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow.婚姻不幸的安娜在从圣彼得堡坐车到莫斯科,列车下来的那一刻,邂逅了迷人的渥伦斯基伯爵。

3.Trapped in a loveless marriage, Anna Karenina succumbs to temptation and embarks on a dangerous affair with the handsome Vronsky.安娜·卡列尼娜身陷于没有爱情的婚姻中,于是屈从了诱惑,与英俊的伏伦斯基开始了危险的恋情。

4.As Vronsky had from a child a taste for painting, and as, not knowing what to spend his money on, he had begun collecting engravings .Vronsky从小对绘画就有着独特的品味,现在他钱多得没处花,于是便开始收藏雕刻品。

5.After a parley in the hall, someone came upstairs, and Vronsky's steps could be heard passing the drawing room.在前厅里谈了几句以后,有人上楼来了,接着她听见弗龙斯基的脚步声在客厅外面走过去。

6.But all we are really interested in is the fatal passion of poor Anna and her dashing Vronsky.但我们都真正感兴趣的是可怜的Anna的致命的激情和她的闯劲十足的Vronsky。

7.Anna pved in the contradiction between Karenin and Vronsky. It is a dilemma for Tess to choose between Claire and Alec.安娜在卡列宁和渥伦斯基之间矛盾的生存,苔丝在克莱和亚雷之间痛苦地抉择。