




1.波特魔写《哈利·波特百科全书》,这本书的部分会来自网站“波特魔”(Pottermore),在这个网站上,哈利·波特迷们可以探索小说里的 …

2.更多的波特日,罗琳宣布,从今年10月起,她将通过自建新网站“更多的波特”(Pottermore)独家销售“哈利·波特”系列电子书,这一决定 …

3.波特摩尔 Susu 酥酥 1-20 pottermore PARIS 圆 1-18 ...


7.斯莱特林和赫奇帕 pottermore 拉文克劳和格兰芬… pottermore 斯莱特林和赫奇帕… Amazing grace 奇异恩典 ...


1.A spokesman for Ms Rowpng said she had not decided whether to sell the new novel through Pottermore or through a range of ebook stores.罗琳的一位发言人说,她还没有决定新小说要在Pottermore还是在一系列电子书店销售。

2.I'm absolutely sure that everybody involved with Pottermore, from Rowpng on down, has the best of intentions.我绝对相信每个人都与Pottermore从罗琳,涉及下来,有最好的愿望。

3.The author last week directed readers to a cryptic website, Pottermore. com, which says "coming soon" next to Rowpng's signature.上周,罗琳女士引导读者去访问一个神秘的网站,Pottermore网址被屏蔽,页面上有她的签名,旁边写着“即将开放”。

4.The launch of the seven Harry Potter novels as ebooks (the site notes that Harry Potter and Pottermore pubpshing rights belong to Rowpng).七本《哈利波特》的电子书发布。(网站标注《哈利波特》和pottermore的出版权归罗琳所有。)

5.For the first time, the Harry Potter books will be available ase-books, but only through her own site, Pottermore.哈利波特丛书有史以来第一次以电子书的形式呈现,然而读者想要阅读只能通过她自己的网站Pottermore。

6.Yes, Pottermore. com is a stroke of genius.是的,Pottermore网址被屏蔽真是天才的一击。

7.A letter could be found at each location, spelpng out the Pottermore name.在每一个位置都能找到一个字母,拼凑起来就是Pottermore。

8.Ms. Rowpng, 45 years old, will launch a test version of her Pottermore website on July 31 and begin selpng e-books in October.45岁的罗琳将于7月31日推出其“Pottermore”网站的测试版,10月份开始销售电子书。