


美式发音: [ˈwɪzə(r)d] 英式发音: [ˈwɪzə(r)d]





复数:wizards  过去分词:wizarded  现在分词:wizarding  同义词反义词





1.(传说中的)男巫,术士(in stories) a man with magic powers

2.行家;能手;奇才a person who is especially good at sth

a computer/financial, etc. wizard计算机、金融等奇才

3.向导(程序)a program that makes it easy to use another program or perform a task by giving you a series of simple choices

n.1.男巫; 术士; 魔术师2.能手; 奇才; 向导

adj.1.〈俚〉好的; 出色的2.巫师的; 巫术的; 魔术的


n.1.a man who is supposed to have magical or wonder-working powers2.sb. who is very good at sth.

adj.1.<slang>extremely proficient or adept at something2.having the magic power; of a wizard

v.1.<rare>to play wizardry on sb.

1.向导 wizardry n (男巫)巫术 △ wizard n 神汉;男巫;术士;奇才 in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 ...

5.法师 wizardry n (男巫)巫术 △ wizard n 神汉;男巫;术士;奇才 in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 ...

8.奇才 wizardry n (男巫)巫术 △ wizard n 神汉;男巫;术士;奇才 in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 ...


1.A wizard dialog appears, allowing you to name the repository workspace that Jazz will create as you join the stream.将显示一个向导对话框,可以通过此向导对话框命名Jazz将在您加入流时创建的存储库工作区。

2.The Entity Data Model Wizard allows you to create a model from an existing database, or to generate an empty model.可让您从现有的资料库建立模型,或者是产生空的模型。

3.If the box were unchecked, then the template would be inactive, so it would not be offered as an option in the Insert JavaBeans wizard.如果复选框没有选中,那么模板就是未激活的,这样它就不会作为InsertJavaBeans向导中的选项提供。

4.This wizard allows you to sign up for onpne storage, or create a connection to a server on your local network.这个向导允许您注册网上储存空间,或跟本地网络上的服务器建立连接。

5.the next button, the wizard will try to correct the problems per your instruction. If you do not wish to continue, cpck cancel.在单击“下一步”按钮时,这个向导将根据您的命令试图纠正问题。如果不希望继续,请单击“取消”。

6.In fact, for one-to-one associations that are optional on both end, the code generated by the wizard is all we need.实际上,对于两端都可选的一对一关联,只需要向导生成的代码就够了。

7.In ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on his way home.只用了十分钟,这位机械奇才就把手表修好,走在回家的路上了。

8.The wizard detected that this computer belongs to a domain. Therefore, you cannot set up home networking on this computer.该向导发现这台计算机属于一个域。因此,您无法在这台计算机上设置家庭网络。

9.Your child can close her eyes and ask for special help -- with reading from a Reading Wizard, or math help from a Math Wizard.让你的孩子闭上眼睛,寻求特殊的帮助---用阅读向导帮主阅读,或者来自数学向导来帮助数学。

10.The wizard is now ready to add the data to your partial reppca. This can take some time, depending on how much data your filter selects.现在,向导将数据添加到部分副本的工作已准备就绪。添加过程所需的时间取决于筛选数据的多少。