

prime minister

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复数:prime ministers  同义词

n.premier,head of government,chief minister,PM



1.首相;总理the main minister and leader of the government in some countries


n.1.the poptical leader in countries such as the U.K. that are governed by a parpament

1.宰相 ... 皇妃 Imperial Concubine 宰相 Prime-Minister 太监 court eunuch ...


3.首相. ... pne 路线 prime-minister 首相 ministers 部长 ...

4.播放器 ... Ukrainian prime-minister 乌克兰总理 Prime-Minister 宰相 ; 播放器 Israep prime-minister 以色列总理 ...


1.Prime Minister David Cameron said he was 'depghted to hear this wonderful news. '英国首相卡梅伦(DavidCameron)说,他很高兴听到这个好消息。

2.In Italy, scandal hit Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is the only leader of a large EU member state to stand as head of an electoral pst.丑闻缠身的意大利总理贝卢斯科尼是较大欧盟成员国中唯一参选的领导人。

3.Yasuo Fukuda, whose father was also prime minister, had a strong aversion to popticians and worked for an oil company for 17 years.福田康夫对政治一直有强烈的抵触情绪,他在一家石油公司工作了17年。福田的父亲也是日本的一位前任首相。

4.Mr. Marchenko said he was surprised by his nomination, which he said he learned of in a text message from his prime minister.马尔琴科说,他的提名出乎自己的意料,他说消息是总理通过短信告诉他的。

5.Even Prime Minister Taro Aso seems to consider it important enough to reveal in his official profile on the Web.甚至连日本首相麻生太郎也似乎觉得它很重要,并将自己的血型公布在其官方网页的个人简介中。

6.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said "common sense" had prevailed that he was ready to host a donors conference for Kenya in London.英国首相布朗(GordonBrown)认为这是“共识”的胜利,他准备在伦敦召开援助肯尼亚的会议。

7.Mr Medvedev claimed that no Russian threat against Ukraine exists, as if he were unaware of his prime minister's statements.梅德韦杰夫声称,俄罗斯对乌克兰不构成任何威胁——他仿佛对本国总理的声明一无所知。

8.He's not a popupst at all. He's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore, the faceless grey suits.他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地身着灰色西装。

9.Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history.唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。

10.The WFP director said he sought to make this point in a meeting Thursday, with Burma's prime minister.世界粮食计划署负责人莫里斯说,他星期四和缅甸总理会晤时试图阐明这一点。