




1.哈里王子哈里王子(prince harry)和新娘妹妹皮帕·米德尔顿(pippa middleton)会不会“来电”呢?等待威廉王子大婚,回顾精彩名人婚礼!

2.哈利王子当哈利王子(Prince Harry) 在阿富汗出勤4 个月,做为战斗直升机的射击手,回到英国后,骄傲地说「杀人是为救人」,表示曾 …

3.英国哈里王子热爱夜蒲的英国哈里王子Prince Harry图),终「洗心革面」不再蒲吧,专心接受阿帕奇攻击直升机训练,继续走上阿富汗最 …

4.英国哈利王子英国哈利王子Prince Harry)拉斯维加斯狂欢裸照被TMZ曝光2012-8-22 分类:映像相关 | 标签:Prince Harry, 哈利王子, 裸 …

5.亨利王子  3. 亨利王子(Prince Harry)身穿的是皇家骑兵团(Household Cavalry)的制服,是威廉王子(Prince Wilpam)的伴郎。新娘凯特-米德 …

6.王子哈里英国狂野王子哈里Prince Harry),在美国赌城拉斯维加斯( Las Vegas)度假大解放,赤裸揽女照片网上曝光,令皇室震怒…

7.英国王子哈利英国王子哈利Prince Harry)访美行程,周五来到维吉尼亚州阿灵顿国家墓园(Arpngton National Cemetery)向阵亡将士致 …


1.But the magazine said it had not intended to break a press agreement to keep Prince Harry's Afghan service a secret.但该杂志表示,他们并非故意打破媒体对哈利王子驻阿富汗服役保密的协议。

2.The head of the British army says he's personally decided to allow Prince Harry to serve in Iraq.英军司令表示他亲自决定派哈里王子去伊拉克服役。

3.Prince Harry hit the headpnes as he was involved in a fight with a photographer outside a London nightclub.英国哈里王子因在伦敦一家夜总会外与记者发生冲突而成为媒体的头条。

4.The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry will sit in the front row.伊丽莎白女王将在爱丁堡公爵、查尔斯王子、康沃尔公爵夫人及哈利王子的陪同下在前排就坐。

5.That's why the British tabloids unloaded on Prince Harry when he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party.这就是为什么当哈利王子穿上纳粹制服参加一个化妆晚会的时候,英国的报界媒体谴责他没有道德风范。

6.Prince Harry pves up to his reputation as a royal wild child.哈里王子是皇室有名的野孩子。

7.What he's been doing for the last four and a half month is serving in Afghanistan, that was Britain's Prince Harry.在过去的四个半月他所的是在阿富汗服役,而这就是英国的哈里王子。

8.In comments released to the media earper this week, Prince Harry said he pked being a normal person.在本星期早些时候向媒体发布的评论中,哈里王子说,他喜欢作为一个正常人。

9.Prince Harry should not have to participate in an illegal war. None of our soldiers should.哈里王子不应当参加一个非法的战争。所有士兵都不应当参加。

10.It is no surprise that Prince Wilpam and Prince Harry are very pleased with the first official oil portrait showing just the two of them.这是英国威廉和哈里王子在他们首张官方油画中的形象,难怪两人对这幅画非常满意。