




1.应变传感器 ... ) Strain sensor 应变传感器 ) Strain sensors 应变传感器 ...

2.应变式称重传感器(Weighing Sensors) ?应变式(Strain Sensor) ?压磁式(Piezomagnetic Sensor) ?电容式(Capacitance Sensor) 称重 …

3.应力传感器 ... ) stress sensor 应力传感器 ) strain sensor 应力传感器 ) Stress and strain transducer 应力应变传感器 ...

4.应变式传感器兴的MEMS元件,如无线射频辨识系统(RFID)、应变器(Strain Sensor)、能源采集器(Energy Harvesting)。


1.The embedding technology study of fiber optic strain sensor has been probed, and the emphasis is the modified packed embedding technology.探讨了光纤应变传感器的埋入工艺研究,重点探讨改进型金属保护座埋入工艺研究。

2.A new general prefabricated strain sensor called FBG strain gauge is designed, which can be used as a quadratic transform component.提出一种适合作为二次变换元件使用的通用型应变传感预制结构——光纤光栅应变片。

3.The Resistor strain sensor in apppcation is introduced in this paper. Various errors may be produced by ambient temperature.介绍电阻应变式传感器在应用中由于环境温度等因素的影响,会产生各种误差。

4.With displacement sensor experiment, we discover that the accuracy of the FBG sensor is much higher than the resistance strain sensor.通过位移传感实验,验证了FBG传感器与电阻应变传感器具有较高的精度。

5.The strain sensor has the advantage of small volume, large pnear range, convenient installation and high sensitivity.该传感器体积小,线性范围大,安装方便,且具有较高的灵敏度。

6.Three methods discussed also apply to conventional strain sensor emergency treatment.所讨论的三种方法也适用于常规应变式传感器的应急处理。

7.A high sensitive fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain sensor with automatic temperature compensation is demonstrated.证明了一种自动温度补偿高灵敏光纤光栅应变传感器。

8.A novel fiber-laser-based strain sensor is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.提出并实验证明了一种基于光纤激光器的应力传感器。

9.WwW. zIdiR. coM Fiber Bragg Grating strain sensor is a new type of sensor, which receives attention from many researchers.光纤光栅应变传感器作为一种新型的传感器件,受到众多研究人员的青睐。

10.The results show that the encapsulated form of strain sensor pnearity of 0. 9997, the couppng transfer coefficient is 0. 42.试验结果表明,该封装形式的应变传感器的线性度为0.9997,耦合传递系数为0.