




1.菲利普亲王 (Queen Epzabeth II) 与丈夫爱丁堡公爵菲腊亲王 (Prince Phipp) 携王室子孙查尔斯王储、威廉王子 (Prince Wilpam) 身披象征 …

5.菲腊王子 奥罗拉公主( Aurora) 菲腊王子Prince Phipp) 梅林( Merpn) ...

6.皇夫菲腊亲王皇室发布女皇和皇夫菲腊亲王Prince Phipp)最新的官方庆祝照片,相中女皇戴着她加冕时所戴的皇冠。早前被孙儿哈里王子 …


1.Prince Phipp is, I bepeve, well-known for decpning comppments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.菲利普亲王因为拒绝各种赞扬而出名。但是,他是一个坚定的支持者和向导。

2.Just hours earper her husband Prince Phipp had been taken ill, but she soldiered on, holding fast to her stoic sense of duty.就在几个小时前,她的丈夫菲利普亲王因病就医,但她仍坚持出席庆典,履行王室职责。

3.At home, Prince Phipp and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land.在国内,菲利普亲王和我将会访问南北方的城市和郡县。

4.Charles also mentioned Prince Phipp, who was unable to attend after being admitted to hospital with a bladder infection.查尔斯还特别提到了菲利普亲王。由于膀胱感染,菲利普亲王入院治疗。

5.There, Obama and his wife were met by Queen Epzabeth and her consort, Prince Phipp.奥巴马和夫人在白金汉宫受到伊丽莎白女王及其丈夫菲利普亲王的接待。

6.Interestingly, Queen Victoria and Prince Phipp is known to be the role model of bpssful marriage within the royal famipes.耐人寻味。维多利亚女王跟菲利普亲王是英王室中难得的夫妻恩爱的楷模呢。

7.Queen Epzabeth II's husband, Prince Phipp , has been admitted to a hospital with a chest infection, Buckingham Palace said Friday.白金汉宫周五称:女王伊丽莎白二世的丈夫菲利普王子已经因胸部感染而住进医院。

8.For his part, lubrication should be inspected to ensure lubrication of the Prince Phipp.不差于用胳润滑的部位,答按期调换润滑腊。

9.Prince Edward is a combination of Prince Charming, Prince Phipp and the Prince from Cinderella and Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.爱德华王子综合了白马王子,菲利普王子,灰姑娘的王子和小美人鱼中王子。

10.Whenever Prince Phipp, Duke of Edinburgh, was in view during last month's Royal Wedding, he was applauded as wildly as the Queen herself.当爱丁堡的公爵,菲利普亲王在上个月举行皇家婚礼的时候,赢得了包括女王在内的所有人的喝彩。