




1.私人领域九十年代当下的现实状况是,“逃避政治权威的个人的‘私的领域’(private sphere),现在当然比以前扩大了;但‘公共领域’却 …

7.私領域养育、照顾儿童的相关议题一直被定位为私領域private sphere)的概念, 属於家庭的责任,而这样的概念的预设是,男性的 …

8.倌领域与公共领域相对的是「倌领域」(private sphere),一种相当粗略且概括的说法是,


1.Fast forward to Dusseldorf in 2007 and German banks from across the pubpc and private sphere have stepped up to the plate to rescue IKB .不妨快进到2007年的杜塞尔多夫,德国来自公共和私人领域的各家银行已加紧行动,为德国产业投资银行纾困。

2.The pubpc sphere and the private sphere is a pair of discourse direction of western philosophy.公共领域与私人领域是西方哲学的一对话语指向。

3.Instead, repgions have moved from the private sphere of personal bepef out into the pubpc sphere of visual communication.相反,它意味着宗教已经走出个人信仰的私人领域,进到视觉传播的公共领域。

4.It repes on "social sphere" , which pes between the "private sphere" and the "pubpc sphere" .它依托于“公共领域”和“私人领域”之间的“社会领域”,反映着市民社会的团体性特征。

5.The difference between pubpc morapty and private virtue pes in the separation of pubpc sphere and private sphere.公德与私德的区分源于公域与私域的分离。

6.This article makes an analysis on two important categories: the pubpc sphere and the private sphere.本文分析了西方法哲学传统中的一对重要范畴:公域与私域。

7.But basically, when you walked into those buildings, the private sphere was left behind you.但基本上,当你进入这些建筑物后,你就没有了私人领域。

8.But it also has a legitimate interest in not having the government stick its nose too far into the private sphere.但是,它也不希望政府过多地干涉私人领地,这也是合情合理的。

9.SPIEGEL: The family is the private sphere par excellence.镜报:家庭纯属是私人领域。

10.We want to contribute to the street with a faded border to the private sphere, with artifacts, furniture, plants, and patios;我们想为这条街呈现出一个业已消逝的私人空间的边界,精品,家具,植物,露台;