




1.把它们切碎 14.三片面包 three spces of bread 15.把它们切碎 cut them up 6.擅长 be good at/do well in ...

2.切香蕉 T:Peel three bananas. 剥三只香蕉。 T: Cut them up. 切香蕉。 T: Put the bananas into the blender. 把香蕉放进果汁机 …

3.这是什么形式这是什么形式(如:cut them up) 2010-12-23 18:06 后生可畏______ | 分类:英语翻译


1.Leave the credit cards at home (or cut them up) and carry only enough cash to do what you've planned for your day.把信用卡扔在家里(要不然就剪了它),带上足够的现金去做自己每天计划的事。

2.But you call cut them up into smaller pieces. It makes great note paper to leave by the phone.但是你可以把他们剪成更小的纸片。它们可以做成打电话用的便签纸啊

3.First wash two apples and cut them up. Next put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in some honey and yogurt. Finally mix it up.首先把两个苹果洗干净并切碎,接着把水果放到一个碗里,然后放上一些蜂蜜和酸奶,最后把它搅拌。

4.Nobody washes them. They just peel the stickers off, cut them up, and throw them in your iced tea.他们只是剥下来然后切成片,就扔到了你的冰茶里。

5.First peel the bananas and cut them up. Then put the milk into the blender. . .首先,剥开香蕉,接着把它们切碎。再将它们和牛奶倒入搅拌机……

6.Next, sprinkle some flour on a cutting board, roll the flour on the board and cut them up.下一步在案板上抹上一些面粉,把面团倒在板子上,切成饼干形状。

7.Tony: OK, I'll peel a couple and cut them up. Hey! I almost forgot about the blueberries. Can we add some of them?好,那我会剥几根香蕉,再切片。嘿!我差点忘记还有蓝莓。我们加一些蓝莓好吗?

8.We just peel the stickers off, cut them up, and throw them in your iced tea.我们只是揭掉商标然后把它们切成片丢进你的冰茶里。

9.I cut them up, and concocted something that resembles a tote bag.我把帷幔剪裁后,制作出了类似于手提袋的东西。

10.Tony: I'll start by washing these strawberries, peaches, and apples, and then I'll cut them up.我会先把这些草莓、水蜜桃和苹果洗干净,然后切块。