




1.进度条 9 Parallel Processing( 并发处理) 3 Progress bars状态条) 4 Wizards( 导航…

4.设计进度条 7. CSS3 Progress Bars 设计进度条。 12. Blur Menu with CSS3 Transitions 设计模糊菜单效果。 ...

5.进度列动的标签式窗格(tabbed panes)、居中的进度列progress bars)、可变高度的JTable、与其他诸多新功能。


1.Progress bars show you how much of the process has been completed, and how much there is left to go.进度条显示你的处理进程已经完成多少了,以及还剩多少需要跑。

2.Progress bars are commonly used to provide feedback to the user when downloading large files or performing similar long-running tasks.进度条通常是在下载大文件或执行类似的长时间运行的任务时为用户提供反馈。

3.Toolbars, menu bars, progress bars, and window title bars are all examples of elements that are typically part of the chrome.像工具栏、菜单栏、进度条、窗口标题栏等等都是边框的典型构成要素。

4.Progress bars A control that provides a visual indication of the progress of a process.进度条:提供可视地展示进程进度的一个控件。

5.OAT represents the progress of the task and the progress of each part with progress bars and other helpful user interface messages.OAT使用进度条和其他有用的用户界面消息表示任务的总进度和每个部分的进度。

6.This means that without progress bars or some other indicators your apppcation will feel slower to your users.这意味着如果没有进度条或是其他指示器,用户会觉得你的程序跑得很慢。

7.Show variable data as progress bars, represent data that increases or decreases with arrows, and view rankings as stars.将可变数据显示为进度条形图,用箭头表示增加或减小的数据,并查看星形等级。

8.To quickly see progress and status information, progress bars are available at many places in Rational Team Concert.为了快速查看进展和状态信息,在RationalTeamConcert中许多位置处都能看到进展条。

9.You can use progress bars for variable data, arrows for data that increases or decreases, and stars for ranked data.您可以对可变数据使用进度栏,对增大或减小的数据使用箭头,对分级数据使用星号。

10.Widget support in GWT-WL includes calendars, calculators, image buttons, progress bars, pagination, and more.在GWT-WL中支持的widget包括日历、计算器、图像按钮、状态条、分页标记等等。