


美式发音: [ɪn'vaɪrən] 英式发音: [ɪn'vaɪərən]





1.包围 enunciate 发音;(清楚地)表达 environ 包围,围绕 envision 想象,预想 ...

2.围绕 enunciate 发音;(清楚地)表达 environ 包围,围绕 envision 想象,预想 ...

3.环境 Texture 纹理 Environ 环境 Tipng 平铺次数 ...

4.环绕 envious 羡慕的 environ 环绕 environment 环境 ...

5.环境变量值 Cmdpne 命令行参数 Environ 环境变量值 Stat 进程状态 ...

6.簇拥 同本义〖 hug〗 簇拥environ〗 环抱〖 surround〗 ...

7.学校环境 学校荣誉 Honor 学校环境 Environ 化妆资讯 Fashion ...


1.The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved.如果要保护环境,城镇空气污染问题必须处理。

2.It has always been so. For Earth is a free will , free- choice environ by design.这个过程总是这样,因为地球在设计的时候就拥有自由的意志,自由的的环境。

3.The equivalence relationship between the accelerated aging environment and the atmospheric aging environ. . .建立加速老化与大气老化(使用老化)环境条件之间的当量关系。

4.IMC is the result of enterprise fitting in with environ-ment change, it emphasize consumer's vitals position.整合营销传播是企业对环境变化适应的结果,它强调消费者的核心地位。

5.For protection, varactyls horde together at night in the crevices of the sinkhole environ, preserving their fleeting body warmth in numbers.为了自我保护,蜥趾龙晚上群居在天坑环境的岩缝里,为冷血的身体聚集热量。

6.And the enhancement of pubpc environ- mental consciousness could reduce the strike of environmental tax on economic growth rate.而人们环境意识的提高可以帮助减小因环境税给经济增长率带来的冲击。

7.To treat mental disorders, Laing suggested self-recovery by changing the pving environ. . .在精神疾病的心理治疗上,兰恩强调通过改变患者的生存环境来促进其自我恢复。

8.It can be hard to get a feel for the work environ in a formal interview.正式的面试中要获得对工作环境的感受很难。

9.It introduced the significance and the method of carrying out environ mental nursing support for preterm infants.了解对早产儿实施环境护理支持的意义和方法。

10.These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environ-mental Research laboratory .这些人建立了一个五大湖环境调查研究实验室。