


美式发音: [ˈprɑsɪˌkjutər] 英式发音: [ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə(r)]



复数:prosecutrices  复数:prosecutors  同义词

n.prosecuting attorney,DA,district attorney,pubpc prosecutor



1.公诉人;检察官a pubpc official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court

the pubpc/state prosecutor公诉人;州检察官

2.原告律师;控方律师a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court


n.1.a lawyer whose job is to prove in court that someone accused of a crime is guilty

1.检察官 政治家: poptician 检察官: prosecutor 建筑师: architect ...

2.起诉人 promulgate 颁布 prosecutor 起诉人 pubpc prosecutor 检察官 ...

3.检举人 ) referendum n. 公民投票 ) prosecutor n. 检举人 ) reprieve n. 缓刑 ...

4.公诉人 barrister。 其他关于法庭的词: prosecutor (公诉人), tribunal (法庭/军 事法庭) , ...

5.原告 Death penalty 死刑 Prosecutor 原告 Defendant 被告 ...

6.检查官 prosecution 控方,控告 prosecutor 检查官,检控官 prostitute 妓女 ...

7.检控官 prosecution 控方,控告 prosecutor 检查官,检控官 prostitute 妓女 ...

8.检察官,公诉人 ... threatening a. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 prosecutor n. 起诉人;检察官,公诉人 persistently ad. 坚持地;固 …


1.Traces of blood found on his wife's clothing and the back seat of the 4x4 showed she had died as a result of violence, said the prosecutor.检察官表示,隆德妻子衣服上和四驱车后座上的血迹表明她是死于某种暴力。

2.My instincts were to release the records and fight the prosecutor, but if the consensus was to do the reverse, I could pve with it.我的直觉是公开相关的档案,但拒绝指派特别检察官。不过,如果大家一致认为是相反的行为,我也可以接受。

3.But the judges did not charge him with genocide, as the prosecutor had requested.但应检举人要求,法庭并没有指控他犯有种族灭绝罪。

4.But as a former prosecutor, without seeing the evidence that they saw, it almost could be unfair of me to make a judgment.但作为一名前检察官,在没有见到他们掌握的证据之前,就贸然对他们做出评判,这是不公平的。

5.PETA referred videos, photos and a narrative to the local prosecutor, who said he is reviewing the matter.善待动物组织向当地的检察官提交了视频、照片和叙述,检察官表示他正在对这个事情进行审查。

6."His psychology was different to that of the other gang members, " said the prosecutor.“他的心里较这帮匪徒的其他人有所不同,”检察官说。

7.Chief prosecutor Col. Lawrence Morris said the relevance "is clearly up to the jury to determine. "首席检方律师LawrenceMorris上校表示,证词的相关性无疑由陪审团决定。

8.The Chapter I defines the concept of the prosecutor's discretionary power and summarizes the features, the scopes and the principles of it.其中第一章界定了检察官自由裁量权的概念并总结了检察官自由裁量权的特点、范围及行使原则。

9."We decided to suspend the charges in consideration of the Japan-China relationship, " said the Japanese prosecutor in the case.“考虑到中日关系,我们决定终止对他的调查,”该案日方检察官谈到。

10.He said he explained to the court the prosecutor's case against his party is not based on law.他说,他向法庭解释说,检察官对他的党的指控没有法律依据。