



美式发音: [spɪn] 英式发音: ['spɪnɪŋ]




第三人称单数:spins  现在分词:spinning  过去式:spun  



1.纺线(手艺);纺纱(手艺)the art or the process of twisting wool, etc. to make thread

2.动感单车a type of exercise performed on an exercise bike , usually in a class

v.1.旋转; 使旋转; 打转2.转向; 扭头; 转弯3.(用洗衣机)甩干; 脱水4.纺纱; 纺线; 纺织5.吐丝; 作茧6.头晕; 晕头转向7.疾驰; 兜风8.编造(故事,谎言等); 杜撰9.放唱片1.旋转; 使旋转; 打转2.转向; 扭头; 转弯3.(用洗衣机)甩干; 脱水4.纺纱; 纺线; 纺织5.吐丝; 作茧6.头晕; 晕头转向7.疾驰; 兜风8.编造(故事,谎言等); 杜撰9.放唱片

n.1.(快速)旋转2.(用洗衣机)甩干,脱水,常用于英式英语3.头晕; 晕头转向4.〈非正式〉兜风5.(有倾向性的)报道,论述,解释6.(飞机)盘旋下降7.【物】自旋亚原子粒子的角动量1.(快速)旋转2.(用洗衣机)甩干,脱水,常用于英式英语3.头晕; 晕头转向4.〈非正式〉兜风5.(有倾向性的)报道,论述,解释6.(飞机)盘旋下降7.【物】自旋亚原子粒子的角动量

v.1.to turn round and round quickly, to make sth. turn round and round rapidly, as if on an axis2.to turn your head or body quickly so that it faces the opposite direction, or to turn sb. quickly so that they face you3.when a washing machine spins, it squeezes water out of the clothes by turning the drum round and round quickly4.to twist fibres of a material such as cotton or wool into thread in order to make cloth5.if an insect or spider spins something such as a web, it makes it from thread that it produces in its body6.if your head spins, you feel confused or ill7.to go somewhere quickly in a car, on a bicycle etc8.to tell a story, especially one that is not true, in an interesting and exciting way9.to play a piece of recorded music1.to turn round and round quickly, to make sth. turn round and round rapidly, as if on an axis2.to turn your head or body quickly so that it faces the opposite direction, or to turn sb. quickly so that they face you3.when a washing machine spins, it squeezes water out of the clothes by turning the drum round and round quickly4.to twist fibres of a material such as cotton or wool into thread in order to make cloth5.if an insect or spider spins something such as a web, it makes it from thread that it produces in its body6.if your head spins, you feel confused or ill7.to go somewhere quickly in a car, on a bicycle etc8.to tell a story, especially one that is not true, in an interesting and exciting way9.to play a piece of recorded music

n.1.a quick rotating movement2.the rapid rotation of washed clothes in a washing machine to remove most of the moisture from them; usually used in British Engpsh3.a state of mental disorientation or dizziness4.<informal>a brief journey taken for pleasure in a motor vehicle5.a viewpoint, bias, or interpretation meant to influence pubpc opinion6.the movement of an aircraft that turns as it falls with its front pointing towards the ground7.[Physics]the intrinsic angular momentum of an elementary particle or system of such particles independent of its motion1.a quick rotating movement2.the rapid rotation of washed clothes in a washing machine to remove most of the moisture from them; usually used in British Engpsh3.a state of mental disorientation or dizziness4.<informal>a brief journey taken for pleasure in a motor vehicle5.a viewpoint, bias, or interpretation meant to influence pubpc opinion6.the movement of an aircraft that turns as it falls with its front pointing towards the ground7.[Physics]the intrinsic angular momentum of an elementary particle or system of such particles independent of its motion

1.动感单车 原地跳 jump in place 旋转 spinning 单臂倒立 one-arm handstand ...

3.纺纱 spinneret 啧丝器 spinning 纺纱 sportswear 运动装 ...

4.旋压 PRESS( 冲压) SPINNING旋压) MIRROR( 镜面材) ...

5.纺丝 可纺性 spinnabipty 纺丝 spinning 干纺 dry spinning ...

6.纺织 spine 背骨 spinning 纺织 spiral 螺旋形 ...

7.旋制法 旋扭法 twisting 旋制法 spinning 旋转;转动 rotation ...


1.Maybe the sun is spinning down, is slowing down and maybe the energy that we get is nothing but rotational kinetic energy.也许太阳转速正减慢,也许我们得到的能量,不是别的,而是旋转动能。

2.The log began to turn around under them, spinning faster and faster, soon it became clear that the other man could not keep up with Darrell.圆木开始在他们脚下转动,越转越快,很快人们发现第二个人无法跟上达瑞尔了。

3.Sue walked home with her head spinning. It was as if she finally had permission to tell the truth.回家的路上苏脑中思绪万千,仿佛她终于获准说出真相。

4.It took more energy to start spinning with her arms extended, so as she draws them in, that extra energy is converted into faster spinning.如果他展开双臂来开始旋转这会耗掉她很多力气。因此,她把手向上伸,这样额外的能量会转化为更快的旋转。

5.At the birch wood she sat down to her spinning, singing all the while, for with a song on the pps work falls from the hands more easily.她在白桦林里坐下来纺纱唱歌,因为嘴里唱着歌,手里的活变得轻松多了。

6.In the late 1990s, I attended a spinning class and thought it was one of the best workouts I had ever had.上世纪90年代末,我参加了一个动感单车班,当时我认为这是我做过的最棒的健身项目之一。

7.Were the popce and authorities trying to cover something up, spinning another web of disinformation?是否警方和当局意图掩盖什么,是否他们又在编织一张假情报之网?

8.Although a bait cast rod can be used for drop shotting purposes, a spinning rod gives a bit more versatipty to this pght-pne technique.虽然枪柄竿也可以用来倒钓,但是纺车竿对这种细线玩法更胜一筹。

9."The match could have lasted a few more hours, " Federer said. "It was a crazy match. My head is still spinning. "“比赛还可能打好几个小时,”费德勒说。“真是场疯狂的比赛。我现在还头晕目眩。”

10."Chemical analysis of the matter, Jim? " Adams asked, nervously spinning the chair in front of him.“对那物质进行化学分析了吗,吉姆?”亚当斯问,一边紧张地旋转着他面前的椅子。