



美式发音: [pʊʃ] 英式发音: [pʊʃ]





第三人称单数:pushes  现在分词:pushing  过去式:pushed  搭配反义词

v.+n.push button,push car,push luck,push dollar,push cart




1.~ (to do sth)有困难;难于;有难处having difficulty doing sth

You'll be hard pushed to finish this today.要你今天做完这件事会很难。

2.~ for sth短缺;缺乏not having enough of sth

to be pushed for money/time缺少资金╱时间


I know you're pushed, but can you make tomorrow's meeting?我知道你很忙,可是你能不能参加明天的会议?

v.1.推(门等);推动(车子等);刺出(剑,手杖等)2.驱使,逼迫,催促(某事达到...程度,某人做某事)3.使引人注意;推荐(人);推销(货);〈俚〉贩卖(毒品)4.大力推进,进行5.拼命挣(家当),扩充(营养);〈习语〉增加 (up)6.使延伸,使伸出;发(芽),生(根) (out; forth)7.强求,赖着要;追求(目的等)8.【台】推撞9.使(某人)在金钱等方面受窘,对难题感到困惑10.推行11.伸展,扩展;增加12.推;挤13.竭力争取 (for)14.〈古〉用角触15.推出,发出(芽等),伸展(根等)16.(岬向海中)突出1.推(门等);推动(车子等);刺出(剑,手杖等)2.驱使,逼迫,催促(某事达到...程度,某人做某事)3.使引人注意;推荐(人);推销(货);〈俚〉贩卖(毒品)4.大力推进,进行5.拼命挣(家当),扩充(营养);〈习语〉增加 (up)6.使延伸,使伸出;发(芽),生(根) (out; forth)7.强求,赖着要;追求(目的等)8.【台】推撞9.使(某人)在金钱等方面受窘,对难题感到困惑10.推行11.伸展,扩展;增加12.推;挤13.竭力争取 (for)14.〈古〉用角触15.推出,发出(芽等),伸展(根等)16.(岬向海中)突出


v.1.to move someone or something away from you, or from their previous position, using part of your body, especially your hands2.to press a button on a machine3.to move past or through a group of people or things by using a part of your body to move them away from you4.to encourage or force someone in a determined way to do something they do not want to do; to force someone to make a great effort, especially at school or in their career5.to try to make people buy a product or accept an idea6.to make something reach a particular level or standard7.to sell illegal drugs8.to make someone impatient or annoyed by behaving in an unreasonable way9.if an army pushes into, through, or across a country or area, it moves farther into, through, or across it, using force1.to move someone or something away from you, or from their previous position, using part of your body, especially your hands2.to press a button on a machine3.to move past or through a group of people or things by using a part of your body to move them away from you4.to encourage or force someone in a determined way to do something they do not want to do; to force someone to make a great effort, especially at school or in their career5.to try to make people buy a product or accept an idea6.to make something reach a particular level or standard7.to sell illegal drugs8.to make someone impatient or annoyed by behaving in an unreasonable way9.if an army pushes into, through, or across a country or area, it moves farther into, through, or across it, using force

n.1.a movement in which you push someone or something using part of your body, especially your hands2.a way of encouraging or forcing someone to do something that they do not want to do3.a determined attempt to do something4.a movement by an army farther into or through a country or area, using force5.the energy and determination to achieve something6.something that is difficult to do, especially because you do not have much time1.a movement in which you push someone or something using part of your body, especially your hands2.a way of encouraging or forcing someone to do something that they do not want to do3.a determined attempt to do something4.a movement by an army farther into or through a country or area, using force5.the energy and determination to achieve something6.something that is difficult to do, especially because you do not have much time

1.推请附上原因_百度知道 ... B. threw 扔 C. pushed D. handed 递给 ...

2.推挤现象的 pushdown / 推下/后进先出方式/ pushed / 推挤现象的/ pushfiller / 填土机/回填机/ ...

3.推动 D.less pkely = unpkely 没有可能 B.pushed初中词) D.sucked( 吸 吮) ...


8.推开了 猛力推开 : shove away 推开了Pushed 1.门被推开了。 The door push…


1.a short, Broad muscular man, in a shirt open at the Bosom and dirty trousers, pushed his way through the crowd.一个腰宽肩背粗的矮个子,身着衬衫,袒露胸脯,下穿一条很脏的长裤,在人群中一个劲地往前窜。

2.Her friends pushed the boat off down the river and ran across the fields to get round to the bridge.她的朋友把小船推下河之后穿过原野跑向小桥的另一端。

3."It's as though a giant hand pushed the surface up and then after a while pulled it down again, " Lovell says.这就好像一只巨人之手推着地表升起,然后过一阵子再把它放下来。

4.My legs seemed to meet no resistance, as if I was pushed forward by some unknown force.我感到我的腿没有受到任何阻力,好像有一股未知的力量把我往前推。

5.Chelsea pushed off the boat with her hands; Paul got hit on the head.切尔西是用双手推开船的,保罗被撞着的是头。

6.There was no time at which the claims of his wife could have been more unsatisfactorily pushed.他对他妻子的权利这样置之不顾还是第一次。

7.Because he laughed at me . And he said I had nothing on him . So I pushed him down , then we came to blows .因为他嘲笑我说我比他弱,所以我就推了他一把,然后我们就打了起来。

8.Yesterday there were a lot more because the war [sic] started and I heard some fences even got pushed over by people trying to get in.因为战争[原文]的爆发,昨天又有很多人涌入边界;我听说有些围墙甚至被试图入境的难民推倒。

9.This pushed me into looking at my bepefs about what truth is and is not and what standing in my truth means and does not mean to me.这促使我查看自己有关什么是真相、什么不是真相的信念,以及驻守在真相中对我意味着什么,又不意味着什么的事物。

10.Burying his face in the stones, he pushed downward on the two boys with all his strength as the train passed inches above them.他的脸紧贴在石子上,使尽力气将两个孩子往下压,火车就从他们上面驶过,离他们只有几英寸。