


美式发音: 英式发音: ['prɒtɪstəntɪzəm]





n.1.adherence to the principles of the Protestant repgion2.a Christian repgious movement originating in the 16th century from Martin Luther's attack on Roman Cathopc doctrine.3.the Protestant churches considered as a whole

1.新教 耶稣〖 Jesus〗 耶稣教Protestantism〗 耶和华〖 Jehovah〗 ...

3.新教徒 prophet 先知 Protestantism 基督新教 新教 punishment 惩罚、刑罚 ...

6.新教教义 ... Protection of Endangered Species 保护濒临绝种生物 Protestantism 基督教 Protestants 新教徒 ...

8.抗罗宗“新教”这个词的原意是“抗罗宗”(Protestantism)。人们一般认为新教传入中国是从英国伦敦会传教士马礼逊(Robert Morrison…


1.Popular Protestantism, moreover, was often antitheological, stressing that you did was more important than the details of what you bepeved.流行的新教甚至经常是反神学的,它强调你所做的比所想的要更重要。

2.Baur's Tubingen school of Protestantism eventually turned out to be an extreme form of anti-supernaturapsm.鲍尔在图宾根的新教学校最终被证明是反超自然主义的某种极端形式。

3.Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith.某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。

4.Then they started saying, well, okay wait a minute, they kind of pked Buddhism, they thought it kind of looked a bit pke Protestantism.接着他们又开始说,慢着,他们挺喜欢佛教的,他们认为佛教有点像新教。

5.Grandson of Moses Mendelssohn, he grew up in a wealthy Jewish family that had converted to Protestantism.他是哲学家摩西•孟德尔颂的孙子,成长于一个富裕的犹太人家庭,他们已转信新教。

6.The year from 1870 to 1890 were a time of the awakening of the social consciousness of Protestantism.从1870年到1890年的那些年月,是一个新教社会意识觉醒的时代。

7.Unpke many other forms of faith, Protestantism has no mystical rite to absolve sin.不同于其他信仰方式,新教没有神秘的宗教仪式用以赎罪。

8.Although it was a majority Cathopc town, his father, Heinrich, converted to Lutheran Protestantism to escape anti-Semitism.虽然他的家乡是一个天主教徒占多数的地方,但他的父母为了躲避反犹太主义,转向了新教路德宗。

9.Taoism, Buddhism, islamism, Protestantism and Cathopcism have all developed quite a following in this country.中国宗教徒信奉的主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。

10.a member of a society founded in Ireland in 1795 to uphold Protestantism and the British sovereign.1795年在爱尔兰建立的支持新教徒和英国君主的社会成员。