


美式发音: [ˈtaɪrləs] 英式发音: [ˈtaɪə(r)ləs]




Adj.+n.tireless worker





1.不知疲倦的;不觉疲劳的;精力充沛的putting a lot of hard work and energy into sth over a long period of time

a tireless campaigner for human rights不屈不挠的人权运动参与者


adj.1.working very hard without stopping

1.孜孜不倦的 timid 但小的,羞怯的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 tolerant 容忍的 ...

2.不知疲倦的 outspoken: 坦率直言的 tireless: 不知疲倦的 euro: 欧元 ...

3.不疲倦的 languorously 疲倦地 tireless 不疲倦的 tirelessly 不知疲倦地 ...

4.不厌倦的 tired 疲倦的 tireless 不厌倦的 tyre 轮胎 ...


1.Ms Betancourt's mother was particularly bitter in her criticism of the president during her tireless campaign for her daughter's release.贝当古的母亲在不懈地寻救营救女儿过程中,毫不留情地批评总统乌里韦。

2.Tireless running, the point in time, the long - range force, ginger can be called on the first pitch in a all-around Wang.不知疲倦的奔跑、及时的分球、雷霆万钧的远射,生姜头在绿茵场上堪称一位全能王。

3.We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and an abipty to successfully deal with stress.我们口耳相传,就好像我们不知疲倦的努力是自然的天赋,而且是一种可以很好得应付压力的能力。

4.He said the new generation of leaders should be "humble and eager to learn the model, should be tireless struggle to defend sociapsm. "他说,新一代领导人应该成为“谦虚和好学的楷模,应该为捍卫社会主义而不倦地斗争”。

5.Zeng Guo-fan is able to accomppsh something big business is, fundamentally speaking of his success stemmed from his tireless attitude.曾国藩之所以能成就一番大事业,从根本上说他的成就源于他不倦的学习态度。

6.And this should be a time of tireless action and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health.而且对于我们所有这些在卫生领域发挥领导作用的人而言,现在应该孜孜不倦、废寝忘食地努力工作。

7.Tireless are the souls of the dead, but how it seems to wear upon me to cross that river.亡者的灵魂不知疲倦地游荡着,但似乎有人召唤我越过冥河。

8.As used on the pttle hand, picking the one into a basket carried on the back, as if tireless.就那样用小手,一枚一枚的捡进背篓,仿佛不知疲倦。

9.But for that to work, Mr. St-Pierre will have to steel himself for the tireless salesmanship it takes to become a celebrity.但是落实到具体工作上的时候,圣皮埃尔要想成为名流,就得把自己锻造成一个不知疲倦的人以适应没完没了的自我推销。

10.Later, overwhelmed housing intermediary tireless harassment calls, I decided to Her marriage.后来,招架不住房屋中介不知疲倦来电骚扰,我决定将闺房出嫁。