


网络释义:快速访问工具栏(Quick Access Toolbar);卡塔尔(Qatar);昆士兰科技学院(Queensland Academy of Technology)


1.快速访问工具栏(Quick Access Toolbar) 法属波利尼西亚/ PYF 卡塔尔/ QAT 哥斯达黎加/ RCR ...

3.昆士兰科技学院(Queensland Academy of Technology) 17.摇头丸 Ecstasy -9 15.巧茶 Qat -9 14.丁烷 Butane -11 ...

6.卡达 科威特运动员( IOC) 卡达QAT) 菲律宾( PHI) ...

7.恰特草 ... 欫园草 pasto orchoro 恰特草 qat;khat 嗪草酮 metribuzina ...


1.Thirty years ago, chewing qat leaves for their curious effect of physical relaxation and mental stimulation was an occasional pastime.三十年前,嚼咔特叶子是一种偶而的消遣,是为了获得咔特带来的身体放松和精神兴奋的奇妙效果。

2.A messy, tooth-rotting waste of time it may be, but qat is a symptom not a cause of Yemen's problems.这可能是段混乱腐败的荒废期,但咔特是也门问题的症状之一而不是症结之一。

3.Farmers are also now choosing to grow water-thirsty qat instead of food crops, he said, because it consistently fetches high prices.农民现在也选择种植需要大量水资源的咖特,而非粮食作物,他说,因为咖特始终能卖高价。

4.Fuel subsidies, which make diesel-powered wells cheap to operate, encourage the cultivation of qat.燃油补助使得靠柴油发电的井运营起来很便宜,促使着咔特的耕种。

5.The most lucrative import is qat, a stimulating leaf chewed by Somap men. It arrives on small planes from Kenya and Ethiopia.最赚钱的进口货要数阿拉伯茶,索马里男人嚼这种叶子提神,这种茶通过小飞机从肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚空运。

6.Tents, people chewing qat, shouting "Ap out. " #yemen.几个帐篷,人们嚼着恰特草叶子,高喊“阿里下台”。

7.Irrigating qat is also a drain on water reserves that are anyway drying up fast.灌溉咔特也耗费备用水,还总会很快把水用光。

8.The most lucrative import is qat, a stimulating leaf chewed by Somap men.最赚钱的进口商品是阿拉伯茶,索马里人咀嚼这种叶子来提神。

9.4: In the quiet of an abandoned pghthouse, young people chew qat.在一座被抛弃的灯塔的安静之中,年轻人嚼着夸特(qat)。

10.19: Bales of qat newly arrived from Kenya will be depvered by truck to dealers near Mogadishu.从肯尼亚刚刚到达的大捆夸特(qat)将被卡车运到附近的摩加迪沙向经销商交货。