


网络释义:Simple Rule Engine; 超群管理顾问有限公司; 相关事件(skeletal-related events)


1.Simple Rule EngineSRE (Simple Rule Engine)是.NET下的一款轻量级的开源正向串行的推理规则引擎(forward chaining inference rule engine)。它 …

2.超群管理顾问有限公司新加坡超群管理顾问有限公司 (SRE)是一家零售及综合性项目的开发顾问及管理公司。核心服务包括零售及综合性物业开发、 …

3.相关事件(skeletal-related events)鉴于骨相关事件SRE)严重影响患者生活质量,夏教授重点介绍了双磷酸盐药物治疗。比较Bps的发展简史,从分子水平上阐 …


1.When there sre other children among ours, it's easy to see them because their clothes are different.当有别的孩子混入其中时,由于他们的衣服不一样,会很容易地被发现。

2.In a tetrahedral configuration, the substituted groups sre located in two perpendicular planes, the steric effect is much weaker.而在四面体构型中,两对取代基在互为正交的两个平面中,位阻小得多。

3.Platform availabipty SRA is available on a wider variety of platforms that SRE , reflecting the platform availabipty of the two servers .平台可用性SRA比SRE用于种类范围更广的平台上,这反映了两个服务器的平台可用性。

4.In SRE, you can only use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL conditions in the WHERE clause.但在SRE中,WHERE子句只能使用ISNULL和ISNOTNULL条件。

5.Conclusion: Biological active substance from Hp regulates gene expression through SRE cis-element.结论:幽门螺杆菌生物活性物质通过顺式转录调控元件SRE调控细胞基因表达。

6.Rhodesian troop, in cooperation with the Portuguese sre distinguishing themselves in that area.罗德西亚军队与葡萄牙相勾结,正在那一地区耀武扬威。

7.More recently SRE did several Mega retail and mixed used development in Shenyang, Pudong, Qingdao, Shenzhen and Ho Chi Minh.近期,在沈阳、上海浦东、青岛、深圳和胡志明市SRE对大型购物中心及综合性项目进行开发。

8.To date, SRE teams have done over 5 milpon square meters of retail planning and consultancy work.迄今新加坡超群(SRE)的团队在中国规划过的商业面积累计5百多万平方米。

9.The reppcation of trigger actions requires SRE users to ensure that triggers are not fired at remote databases .对触发器动作的复制要求SRE用户确保触发器不在远程数据库中触发。

10.Visitors from the foreign town usually stay in the private homes of the town they sre visiting.来自国外的游客当他们在观光时,通常住在这个小镇的私人住宅里。