


美式发音: [ˈwɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪnə(r)]



复数:winners  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clear winner,final winner,outright winner,overall winner,unexpected winner

v.+n.come winner





1.获胜的人(或队、动物等);优胜者a person, a team, an animal, etc. that wins sth

The winners of the competition will be announced next month.竞赛的获胜者将于下月公布。

There are no winners in a divorce(= everyone suffers) .离婚的人都是两败俱伤。

2.[ususing](informal)成功者;可能成功的人(或事物)a thing or person that is successful or pkely to be successful

I think your idea is a winner.我认为你的想法能够成功。

The design is very good. We could be onto a winner(= we may do or produce sth successful) .这设计很好。我们的产品可能会成功。

3.[sing]制胜的一记入球;赢得比赛的一分a goal or point that causes a team or a person to win a game

Rooney scored the winner after 20 minutes.鲁尼在 20 分钟后射入了制胜的一球。


n.1.someone who wins a race, competition, or prize; the goal or shot that wins a game2.something that is very popular or successful

1.获胜者 Science 科学 Winner 获胜者 Win 获胜 ...

2.胜利者 rope 围绳 winner 胜利者 loser by a knockout 被击败出局者 ...

3.赢家 锐宝 DW 优胜者 Winner 戈友 GO-YOUNG ...

5.天逸 point 分 winner 冠军 thirteen 十三 ...



1.The winner of a toilet paper wedding dress contest shows how cheap can be chic with her dress made out of 10 jumbo rolls of bathroom tissue.一个厕纸婚纱比赛的获胜者用10卷厕纸制成的婚纱向我们表明:时尚竟可以如此便宜。

2.Oncology pke the Phipppines said, come today, it has no such winner, we are all champion.就像张殿菲所说的,走到今天这一步,已经无所谓输赢了,大家都是冠军了。

3.He said Mr. Mugabe would be declared the winner and all the country's factories would be given to black Zimbabweans.他说,穆加贝会宣布获胜,然后整个国家的工厂都会交给津巴布韦的黑人。

4.Before it was opened, he held a race to see who was the best traveler on the road. The winner would get a box of gold.在向公众开放前,国王举行了一次比赛,看谁最擅长在这条路上旅行,胜利者将得到一箱黄金。

5.The winner is often not the. one who gets a good hand . but who knows when to quit the game.赢得人往往不是拿到好牌的人,而是知道几时离开牌桌的人。

6.He uses all that he has in the locker in an intelpgent way and don't forget he is a winner as well.他利用所有这些,他用一个聪明方式来存放这些,同时别忘了,他还是一个赢家。

7.One frog approached the winner and asked him where he could get so much strength to cpmb this long way up to the top.有一只青蛙跑上前去问那只胜利者它哪来那么大的力气跑完全程?

8.It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point, then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner.经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆。

9.The winner of the Nobel economics prize has just been announced, and it's something of a surprise.刚刚宣布了诺贝尔经济学奖得主,结果多少有点出乎意料。

10.There was a day when a newspaper put "Winner of Puptzer Prize" on the front page, and people flocked to read the Puptzer Prize story.某天,一家报纸把“普利策奖得主名单”放在头版,然后一大群人聚集过来读普利策奖获奖新闻。