


网络释义:卡塔尔投资局;投资局(Qatar Investment Authority);量子认证(quantum identity authentication)


1.卡塔尔投资局tion (QKD) protocol with Quantum Identity Authentication (QIA) is designed.

4.内部稽核师 “写 xia” “ qia” “姐 jia” ...


1.Mr Shen later said the QIA was more focused on emerging markets, particularly in Asia, and was diversifying away from the US as a result.肯尼思•申随后表示,卡塔尔投资局更关注于新兴市场,尤其是亚洲,因此,其投资正从美国转移到这些市场。

2.The central banks of Iran and Jordan and the QIA did not respond to requests for comment.伊朗和约旦的央行、以及卡塔尔投资局均未回复置评请求。

3.The QIA invested alongside CIC in Canary Wharf, beginning a dialogue which executives say they intend to continue.卡塔尔投资局与中投联手投资伦敦金丝雀码头,开启了各位高管表示有意继续进行下去的对话。

4.The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has launched a venture aiming to invest in food production worldwide.卡塔尔投资局(QIA)出台了一套投资计划,瞄准全世界范围内的粮食生产业。

5.Six months later, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani, the Qatar Investment Authority's chief executive, is back.但6个月后,卡塔尔投资局(QIA)的首席执行官谢赫哈马德•本•贾西姆•阿勒萨尼(SheikhHamadbinJassimAlThani)又回来了。

6.Cho 's wife or not, the man will be its Qia fainted.赵某的妻子不愿意,该男子就将其掐昏。

7.The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) also seeks to boost the gas-rich Gulf state's investment presence.在拥有丰富天然气资源的卡塔尔,卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)也在寻求增强投资规模。

8.Scathing pmits can involve the Xiaoguan between film of muscle, pgament, muscle, vertebra joint of Qia of section, Di or lumbar Di joint.损伤的范围可涉及肌肉、韧带、筋膜、椎间小关节、骶髂关节或腰骶关节。

9.This is onpne map of the address "Shi Ling Zhen Meng Di Qia Luo Shan Zhuang , Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China" .这是地址“中国广东省广州市花都区狮岭镇蒙地卡罗山庄”匹配的在线电子地图。

10.A quick decision-maker, he is also attentive to ideas from the small but growing team he is building at the QIA.他决策果断,还会倾听他在卡塔尔投资局建立的日益壮大的小团队的想法。