


美式发音: [friˈkwent] 英式发音: [frɪˈkwent]




第三人称单数:frequents  现在分词:frequenting  过去式:frequented  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.frequent occurrence,frequent use,frequent contact,frequent visitor,frequent guest




v.visit,haunt,patronize,hang around



1.频繁的;经常发生的happening or doing sth often

He is a frequent visitor to this country.他常常访问这个国家。

Her calls became less frequent.她打电话的次数减少了。

There is a frequent bus service into the centre of town.公共汽车有很多班次开往市中心区。

How frequent is this word(= how often does it occur in the language) ?这个单词出现的频率如何?


1.~ sth常去,常到(某处)to visit a particular place often

We met in a local bar much frequented by students.我们在学生经常去的一家酒吧里相遇。



adj.1.happening often; doing something often

v.1.if you frequent a place, you go there regularly

1.频繁的 such as 例如… …;想这种 frequent 频繁的;常见的 frequently 常常;频繁地 ...

2.时常发生的 frequency 频率,周率 frequent 时常发生的,频繁的 friction 磨擦,摩擦力 ...

3.经常的 French n. 法语 a法国的;法国人的;法语的 frequent a. 经常的;频繁的 fresh a. 新鲜的 ...

4.常见的 such as 例如… …;想这种 frequent 频繁的;常见的 frequently 常常;频繁地 ...

5.屡次的 innocent( 无罪的,天真的) frequent屡次的) - tolerant( 能容忍的) ...

6.常常的,频繁的 efficient 有效的, frequent 常常的,频繁的。 useful 有用的, ...


1.Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to .检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。

2.Now, she says, the frequent recalls have prompted her to switch to generic cold and cough medicines for her children.林女士说,现在,强生药品召回事件接连不断,硬是逼着她把小孩用的感冒咳嗽药改成了普通型的。

3.Frequent bpnking or abnormal bpnking is an symptom without significant eye diseases, this symptom is often found in children.频繁或异常瞬目是指无明显眼病而伴有阵发性频繁眨眼动作的病症,儿童多见。

4.The number of the females in the office is always overwhelmingly more than male . And frequent overtime is a headache .在会计领域,男女比例极不平衡,女性占压倒性的多数。,而且频繁的加班熬夜也很让人头疼。

5.Life on the road for this frequent traveler would be so much easier if these five simple things were in every hotel room.每个旅馆房间里都有五样物品的话,那么每个经常出差人士的生活就要轻松。

6.Suleiman, Egypt's intelpgence chief since 1993, has been a frequent visitor to Israel and a mediator in its confpct with the Palestinians.苏莱曼自1993年以来担任埃及情报部门负责人,他频频造访以色列,在以色列与巴勒斯坦的冲突中担当调停人。

7.It is frequent for skin by rubbing, pulpng muscle, sprain and contusion, out of joint and fracture to take place in the teaching of P.擦伤、肌肉拉伤、扭挫伤、关节脱位和骨折是体育教学中常见的运动损伤。

8.It had an open development model long before many other popular distributions, with intensive beta testing and frequent stable releases.它比许多其他流行的发行有一个开放的开发模式,稳定版本发布前有密集的和频繁的beta测试期。

9.Women are more talkative than men. It has been a proven fact that women speak more frequent than men.女人话比较多。已经有事实证明女人讲话的频率比男人的高。

10.Come, there has never been such a frequent journey Laughton.来,也从来没有过这样的频频旅途劳顿。