




1.斯泰尔)、普莱克斯公司(Praxair,Inc.)、纳克斯泰尔公司Nextel)、比克公司(BIC Corporation)等著名大公司,著有《情商训 …

3.电讯 ... PRADA 的副牌)333. Nextel (电讯,已被 Sprint 收购)355. ...

4.斯普林特与奈克斯泰公司 Sprint Nextel 斯普林特 Nextel 美国 电信 146 Mitsubishi 三菱商事 日本 贸易 147 ...

6.通讯公司找一个全国性的手提无线电话机服务,但却不想为了成为网信通讯Nextel)的客户而花钱,DingoTel 2Way VoIP转接器就 …

8.克斯特尔比如,纳克斯特尔Nextel)通信公司有一个80人的法务部,在专门的领域例如通信和政府事务方面从事工作。    公司律师影响 …


1.It is currently trying to win part of a multibilpon-dollar network upgrade at Sprint Nextel Corp.目前华为正努力争取赢得SprintNextelCorp.数十亿美元的网络更新项目的部分合同。

2.ZTE encountered poptical obstacles when trying to supply network equipment to U. S. operator Sprint Nextel Corp.中兴通讯在争取向美国电信运营商SprintNextel提供网络设备时就遇到了政治障碍。

3.'Anytime something pke this happens, it is of great concern, ' said Crystal Davis, a spokeswoman for Sprint Nextel Corp.发言人戴维斯(CrystalDavis)说,每次发生这样的事情,都会引起很大的关注。

4.Sprint Nextel was the first U. S. -based wireless provider to announce a target for reducing its absolute greenhouse-gas emissions.斯普林特Nextel公司是第一个总部设在美国的无线服务提供商,并宣布了减少绝对温室气体排放量的目标。

5.Sprint Nextel is considering making Huawei's equipment the backbone of its next-generation mobile and wireless technology.斯普林特(SprintNextel)正在考虑在下一代电话与无线技术中主要采用华为的设备。

6.This week, Sprint Nextel appointed Dan Hesse, a "54-year-old telecom veteran" , as Dow Jones put it, to be its new chief executive.最近,手机运营商SprintNextel任命丹•海塞(DanHesse)——用道琼斯的话说,一位“54岁的电信老兵”——担任其新首席执行官。

7.Nextel opened up some of its systems to enable other firms to build their own software and services on top of its GPS technology.Nextel开放了它的部分系统,可以让其他公司在其GPS技术平台上建立自己的软件与服务。

8.Apple said preorders were the best ever, while AT& T Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corp. said initial sales were also their best yet.苹果表示,iPhone4S的预定量是有史以来最高的,而美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.)和SprintNextelCorp.均表示最初的销售情况也是迄今为止最好的。

9.Sprint Nextel said in a statement: "We look forward to continuing our working relationship with Palm and HP going forward. "SprintNextel(S.N:行情)在一份声明中表示,“我们希望持续与Palm和惠普之间的合作关系。”

10.Ameripnk has submitted a joint bid with Huawei to serve as an equipment provider to Sprint Nextel, the US carrier.Ameripnk已与华为一起,向美国运营商SprintNextel提交了设备供应联合竞标书。