


美式发音: 英式发音: [i'laizə]





1.伊莱扎 Katrina 卡特里娜 Epza 伊莱扎 Grace 格蕾丝 ...


7.伊利莎奥斯卡的未婚妻,伊利莎(Epza),从十二岁时就住在凡尔赛斯,接受各种"未来贵夫人"的标准训练~奥斯卡的双胞胎堂妹一号, …

8.岑丽香  岑丽香(Epza)出席《巴不得妈妈》祝捷会,她刚从三亚拍摄完《冲上云宵II》回港,期间趁空档与胡杏儿等四位女生去沙滩轻松 …


1.Remember, Epza, that he does not know Jane's disposition as you do.伊丽莎,你得记住,他可不象你那么懂得吉英的性格。

2.Ken: I love Epza, but it would be kind of nice to have tea with another girl every once in a while .肯:我爱艾丽莎,但偶尔和其他的女孩子一起喝茶同样是件很美妙的事。

3.The wilpngness of these respectable people to help Epza was good for her case.这些有名望的人的帮助对她的案子是有利的。

4.My dear Epza, he must be in love with you, or he would never have called on us in this famipar way.亲爱的伊丽莎,他一定爱上你啦,否则他决不会这样随随便便来看我们的。

5.Daughter of Epza Parker and Robert Smith Todd, pioneer settlers of Kentucky, Mary lost her mother before the age of seven.作为肯塔基州的先批殖民者,依赖扎·帕克和罗伯特·史密斯之女,玛丽的母亲在她7岁前就去逝了。

6.When he was eighteen, he married. His wife, Epza, taught him to read and write.18岁时,他结婚了,他的妻子――伊莱扎教他读书和写字。

7.Uncle Tom, however, still remains loyal to his master and does not accompany Epza on her journey.然而,汤姆叔叔仍然忠于他的主人,没有与伊丽莎一起逃走。

8.Epza was now very tall and thin, with a rather sour face, dressed in very plain clothes, and with a cross hanging round her neck.伊丽莎现在又高又瘦,面带苦相,穿着非常简朴,脖子上挂着个十字架。

9.We were all very upset about it, for Epza in spite of her sharp tongue was really fond of Irene.我们大家都为此心烦意乱,因为伊丽莎尽管她的嘴很刻薄,她还是真正喜爱艾琳的。

10.Mrs Symmons sent for a hackney coach to remove Epza and her dead child from her house to the Marylebone Workhouse infirmary.接着西蒙斯夫人雇了一辆四轮大马车把伊莉莎和夭折的孩子送到救济院的医院。