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英文单词:兰德公司;美国兰德;随机数(Random Data)



1.[c]兰特(南非共和国货币单位)the unit of money in the Republic of South Africa

2.[sing]兰德(南非约翰内斯堡周围的金矿区)(in South Africa) a large area around Johannesburg where gold is mined and where there are many cities and towns


n.1.the unit of money used in South Africa

1.兰德公司兰德公司(Rand)是美国最大的一家民间非营利性质的学士研究机构。该公司总部位于加州洛杉矶市郊,目前约有名1600多民工 …

2.兰特  货币:兰特(RAND),国际标志是ZAR,以符号“R”表示。1兰特=100分。

3.美国兰德美国兰德Rand)公司是一家著名的非盈利的研究机构,为美国官方提供"客观的分析和有效的解决方案"。最近,他们公布了 …

4.随机数(Random Data)鉴权三参数组:随机数RAND)、符号响应(SRES)、密钥(Kc)1、用户购机入网时,电信部门将IMSI号和用户鉴权键Ki …

5.南非兰特南非兰特(rand)周二(16日)走升,结束连2日贬势且自半年来单日最大贬幅向上弹升,主要系因部分金属价格飙涨,加上投资人 …

6.美国兰德公司  美国兰德公司(RAND)的分析家认为,世界上每1 000家破产倒闭的大企业中,85%是因为企业管理者决策不慎造成的。由此, …

7.智库兰德公司在智库兰德公司RAND)工作的埃斯伯格,把美国国防部关於越战的机密报告,用了几个钟头逐页打印出来再交给《纽约时报 …


1.This is almost surely apocryphal because anyone who knew Rand's work would know how much she disliked religion in almost any form.几乎可以肯定,这句话是杜撰的,因为读过兰德作品的每个人都知道,她非常厌恶任何形式的宗教。

2.NIA hopes to see Rand Paul filibuster any attempts by the U. S. Senate to raise the ceiling on our national debt.NIA希望看到保罗阻止美国参议院提高美国国债上限任何企图。

3.The first speaker of the day was Rand Paul, who by then had said he might run for the Senate if Bunning were to retire.这天第一位演讲者就是兰德·保罗,他在那之前已经说过,如果邦宁决定退休,他也许会竞选参议员。

4.David Aaron, Director of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy, said that rhetoric is all too familiar.美国兰德公司中东地区公共政策中心主任大卫.阿龙说,这种说法听起来实在太熟悉了。

5.So far Qatar is in the lead, with branches of five top American colleges, as well as the Rand Corporation, a California think-tank.现在,卡塔尔已经领先在前,它拥有五所美国顶级学院的分校,同时,还有设立了加洲著名思想库兰德公司的分支机构。

6.Toohey is something of an aberrationin Rand's fiction, in that he is perhaps her only really memorable villain.图希在兰德的小说中是一个例外,也许是她创作的角色中唯一令人难忘的恶棍。

7.They said people honored Rand and Branden as if they were religious leaders without ever questioning their beliefs.他们说,人们荣幸兰德和布兰登作为宗教领袖,如果他们从来没有质疑他们的信仰。

8.Researchers at the RAND Corporation have made a brave attempt to gauge the impact of America's health-care system on business.兰德公司【3】的研究人员做出了一次大胆的尝试,来评估美国医疗保险制度对商业的影响。

9.Ayn Rand was a passionate collector of stamps, a hobby that seems altogether too mundane for her, as far as we're concerned.艾茵•兰德(AynRand)是一个热心的集邮者。据我们所知,这个爱好对她来说,似乎太不足为奇了。

10.my_rand is the only other thing in the block, so the $seed variable is only accessible to the my_rand function.my_rand是块里的唯一其他东西,所以$seed仅可被my_rand函数访问。