


美式发音: [ˌri:'brænd] 英式发音: [ˌri:'brænd]





1.~ sth/yourself重塑…的形象(如通过改变名称或广告);将…重塑to change the image of a company or an organization or one of its products or services, for example by changing its name or by advertising it in a different way

In the 1990s the Labour Party rebranded itself as New Labour.工党于 20 世纪 90 年代重塑形象,改称新工党。

1.重塑形象 buffer zone 缓冲区 rebrand 重塑形象 Koalas at risk 树袋熊面临威胁 ...

2.更名 ploy 策略 rebrand 更名 runner-up 亚军 ...

3.重新包装 ... buffer zone 缓冲区 rebrand 重塑形像 Meteor hits Russia 媒体英语:陨石袭击俄罗斯 ...

6.品牌富翁课程,教导下一代理财知识与态度,或第七招「重塑品牌Rebrand)」,一个原先经营高级精品店的女老板,察觉面临 …

7.重塑品牌 Model 方式 Rebrand 重塑品牌 Newbrand 新生品牌 ...


1.CSL says the design of its Central store is a one-off but it does plan to rebrand the rest of its retail locations over the next two years.CSL说,中环店的设计是独一无二的,但公司确实计划在未来两年重新包装其他零售店。

2.This can also be seen in their perseverance in trying to rebrand their country after their first failed attempt.这在他们第一次尝试重建国家品牌失败后仍坚持不懈中不难发现。

3.An effort to rebrand him as a man of the people is now under way.如今,他正为重塑人民领袖的形象而努力。

4.Locapsing luxury is part of Beijing's plan to rebrand China as more than just a cheap goods factory.发展本土奢侈品,是中国改写“廉价产品工厂”名号计划的一部分。

5.China's trying to rebrand itself as a champion of free trade.国试图将自己重新包装为自由贸易的捍卫者。

6.The plan is to rebrand it, refocus it on sounder mortgages and use it to roll up other troubled banks as they become available.计划将对它重新包装,重新调整它的健全的抵押贷款,并用它来吸纳其他陷入困境的银行,以使他们重新可用。

7.We want you to rebrand the software, and give us full rights to modify, market, and sell the rebranded software.我们希望您重新命名的软件,给我们充分的权利来修改,市场和销售更名软件。

8.Moreover, IndyMac may be merely a means to a greater end. The plan is to rebrand it.此外,因地美可能仅仅是更大计划的跳板。计划重塑其形象。

9.And what China must do is what America did back then: build its miptary and rebrand it as a force for global stabipty.而且中国必须做的事情就是美国在那时(崛起时)要做的事情:建立它的军事,并把它重新打造成全球稳定力量。

10.The best way for Mr Putin to rebrand himself would be through genuine reforms.普京重塑自身形象的最佳办法是实施真正的改革。