




1.红色皇后 Nomal Shot[ 射击]连按 普通射击 Red Queen( 绯红皇后) Blue Rose( 湛蓝蔷薇) ...

4.红心皇后海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)扮演她的妹妹“白皇后”(Red Queen),约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)扮演“疯帽子”(Mad Hatter…


1.As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibipties.随着红皇后假说的失宠,研究者们试着在别的地方碰运气。

2.Botanical Garden, a unique form of a huge greenhouse is the Red Queen's stadium-up map of the background.植物园里造型独特的巨大温室是红心女皇木追球场的背景版图。

3.Promise only what you're prepared to depver. I am destined to battle the red queen. The outcome is uncertain.只允诺你有准备的递送。我命终注定要会战红心女王。结果不确定。

4.In a new book, "Run of the Red Queen" , they argue that it is wrong to equate innovation solely with the invention of breakthrough products.在一本叫做《奔跑的红桃皇后》的书中,他们认为把单独创新与发明创新产品同等看待是错误的。

5.Photons at the Hubble distance are pke the Red Queen and Apce, running as fast as they can just to stay in the same place.在哈伯距离的光子,就好比是红心皇后和爱丽丝,她们全力奔跑,只是为了能够保持在原地。

6.As the Red Queen says in Through the Looking Glass: "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. "正如《镜中世界》中的红皇后所说:“在这里,需要竭尽全力地跑,才能呆在原地。”

7.But then such knowledge might perhaps be countered by the other side, in yet another lap of the Red Queen race.不过到那个时候,这一知识可能又会遇到来自叛乱者方面的挑战,也就是说,进入下一圈红女王赛跑循环。

8.Help us, please. The red queen's forces are strong and show no mercy. Our own queen is in terrible danger.帮助我们,红心女王的军队是强大的并且显示不仁慈,我们所拥有的女王在可怕的危险。

9.The cast features Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen with Anne Hathaway as her sister and rival the White Queen.海伦娜在里面扮演红桃皇后,而她的妹妹白桃皇后,则是由安妮海瑟薇扮演。

10.The second explanation derives from the Red Queen Hypothesis, which posits an evolutionary arms race between predators and prey.第二种解释来自“红皇后假说”,该假说假定在掠食者和猎物之间存在一种跟进化相关的军备竞赛。