




1.小旅馆 ... for or during the night 住一夜的;一整夜的 small hotel 小旅馆, 客栈 towel n. 毛巾 ...

2.小型饭店  小型饭店(Small Hotel):造价65000元,增加旅客的收入20%。  冷库(Refrigerated Storage):造价50000元,减少食物、牛奶在 …

3.小饭店  小饭店Small Hotel):旅客收入增加20%,建造花费$65K  贮液罐(Liquid storage):原油和化学药品的迟滞处罚减半,建 …

4.型小酒店丽舍城市酒店是一家精致型小酒店small hotel)连锁品牌,三明丽舍城市酒店为三明市新市南路313号,离三明火车站仅一步 …

5.小型旅馆小型旅馆small hotel):客房总数在欧美国家为300间以下者。 七、按照旅馆所有权(ownership)与管理(management) …


1.In the past, Mr. Smith and his wife had always spent their summer hopdays in England in a small hotel near the sea.在过去,史密斯先生和他的妻子常常在英格兰海边的一个小饭店里度过他们的暑假生活。

2.One evening, he is driving down a road and looking for a small hotel when he sees an old man at the side of the road.当他看见一个老人在路时的边一个晚上,他压低路并且寻找一家小旅馆。

3.One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia.多年前一个风雨交加的夜晚,一位老先生和他的妻子走进费城一家小旅馆的大厅。

4.Hung-chien and his colleagues wearily left the bus station and put up for the night at a small hotel nearby.鸿渐等疲乏地出车站,就近一家小旅馆里过夜。

5.In the country the pub is often part of an inn- a kind of small hotel.在乡间,酒吧经常相当是旅店,一种小的酒店。

6.In a small hotel or motel, all of these different functions may be handled by one or two people.在规模不大的旅馆或汽车旅馆,这些工作可能统统由一两个人来做。

7.The small hotel was very near the sea, only 2 or3 minutes on foot, stood on the door, you could see the sea, sight was wonderfully!这个小饭店离海非常近,只要两三分钟就到海边,站在门上就看见海了,景色没说的:棒极了!

8.Because in the small hotel, there was no meal served after seven o'clock in the evening.因为在小饭店里,晚上七点以后是不提供餐饮服务的。

9.Our story starts a few years ago, when we were in Napa for a quick trip, staying at a small hotel in Rutherford.故事缘起于几年前,我们去著名葡萄酒产地加州纳帕山谷(Napa)做短途旅行,住在Rutherford的一家小宾馆。

10.Also, you could opt for short showers and use your own toiletries instead of the small and usually over-packaged small hotel toiletries.另外,你可以选择快读洗个澡,用自己的化妆品,而不是旅馆里提供的小包装化妆品。