


网络释义:注册财务策划师(Registered Financial Planner);利福平(Rifampicin);征求建议书(request for proposal)


1.注册财务策划师(Registered Financial Planner)注册财务策划师资格名衔授予机构是国际财务策划师公会(IARFP)颁发的注册财务策划师RFP)等。目前,具备国际财务 …


3.征求建议书(request for proposal)征求建议书 (RFP) 是一份邀请,旨在请求供应商提交有关特定商品或服务的建议书。VendorProposal 供应商针对具体的 RFP …

4.招标书招标书   帮助管理招标书 (RFP) 的创建和发布过程以及已收集招标书的提交和接受通知。请假和假期安排管理   帮助员工对请假进 …

5.荧光蛋白以红色荧光蛋白(RFP)和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)为报告基因,将其分别插入乙肝核心抗原基因(HBc)的e1 loop和e2 loop处,构建质粒pc…


1.In case of any contradiction between the modification and this RFP, the latest vapd notice in writing shall prevail.若修改内容与本询价要求相冲突,则以最后发出的有效书面通知为准。

2.Dynamic pricing with a capped rate would do nothing to ease the RFP process, he said.动态定价模式与折扣上限的结合,对减轻报价流程的麻烦毫无帮助,他如是说。

3.Northrop told the Department of Defence that unless the RFP was revised in its final version, it would not bid.诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司向国防部表示,除非《建议书邀请函》在最终版本中得以修改,否则该公司将不参加投标。

4.This series explores criteria to consider as you create RFPs for new technology purchases and evaluate alternative vendors' solutions.在你为新技术的交易创建RFP和评估其它销售商的方案时,本系列探讨了可供考虑的标准。

5.It is our hope that this Initial RFP will give you enough information to know if you are interested in the project.这是我们希望,这一初步招标书会给你足够的信息,知道你是不是在项目感兴趣。

6.Table 1 shows how IBM might respond if these statements were in an RFP for a complete new infrastructure solution.表1显示了如果他们的声明在一个RFP中的IBM的声明,为了完成一个新的基础构造的解决方案。

7.Developing a response for a request for proposal (RFP) requires a well-thought-out execution plan for developing the proposal itself.如要根据提案请求(RFP)开发响应,必须有一份构思周密的执行计划,以开发提案本身。

8.If you're preparing or responding to a request for proposal (RFP), be alert to instructions that ask for submission of "references. "如果你在应答招标书(RFP),要警惕要求提交“引用”的提示。

9.The RfP psts technical management as "approximately equal in importance" to price and cost as the chief factors in determining a winner.该招标书中把技术管理列为“大约同等重要”,以价格和成本为决定胜出的主要因素。

10.The crux of the proposal is spelpng out the actual IT solution that will meet the requirements stated in the RFP.提案的关键在于详细规划出实际的IT解决方案,并使之符合RFP中所述的需求。