




1.社会标准 ... social stabipty 社会稳定 social standard {n.}社会福利标准 social state {n.}社会国家 ...


1.While some stresses the importance of Modern personal development, but did not change the state of social standard of education.中国近代虽然有人强调重视个人的发展,但并没有改变教育的社会本位状态。

2.Pound's theory on sociology and social benefits had much in common with the nation and the social standard of the National Government.庞德的社会学法学的理论、社会利益学说与国民政府的国家、社会本位论有相似之处。

3.Third, the consistence between individual standard and social standard.三是个人本位与社会本位之间的调和性突出;

4.Has this factory been audited before to this or another social standard?工厂以前是否有经历过该审核或者其他社会责任审核?

5.The so-called social standard law is the right standard law adjustment.所谓社会本位的法律不过是权利本位法律的调整。

6.Exemption system is based on that competition has defects and monopoly has positive effect. Its fundamental attribute is social standard.社会本位是反垄断法适用除外制度的根本属性,其经济学基础在于竞争存在缺陷和垄断具有积极效应。

7.The second part is about the legislative purport under a social standard vision .第二部分是社会本位视野下的立法主旨。

8.Personal or social standard legislation? --Probe into the choice between the pmited partnership and the undertaking and Investment law个人抑或社会本位立法?--有限合伙及创业投资法抉择探索

9.Conversion of Value Orientation of Social Pubpc Administration during the Transitional Period--From Government Standard to Social Standard转型期社会公共行政价值取向的转变--由政府本位到社会本位

10.Knowing the behaviors and habits of dogs to understand "social standard" of getting along with dogs了解犬的行为习性,掌握与犬相处的“社交法则”