




1.恢复管理器 ... 28.3.5 SORT_AREA_SIZE( 排序区大小) (393) 10.3.3 RMAN备份与恢复管理器

4.恢复管理器备份 ... 18.5 MTTR 18.6.1 保护控制文件 361 19.3 RMAN 19.3.2 备份集的设置 380 23.1 RMAN 的组件 44…



1.The Manage Current Backups page is displayed. Cpck Crosscheck All at the top of the page to crosscheck all files in the RMAN repository.进入管理当前备份页。在该页顶部单击检查,检查所有RMAN信息库中的文件。

2.When you crosscheck a backup, RMAN verifies that the information recorded in the repository is consistent with the physical backup status.你检查备份时,RMAN验证信息库中记录的信息是否与物理备份的状态相符。

3.Wednesday uses level 2 and since Tuesday is at same level, RMAN will back up changes since Tuesday.星期三使用级别2,由于星期二处于相同的级别,所以RMAN将备份星期二以后的更改。

4.Tuesday uses level 2 and since Monday is at same level, RMAN will back up changes since Monday.星期二使用级别2,由于星期一处于相同的级别,所以RMAN将备份星期一以后的更改。

5.The Image Copies page appears displaying the image copies that are recorded in the RMAN repository.进入映像副本页显示RMAN信息库记录的映像副本。

6.The Backup Sets property page displays the backup sets that are recorded in the RMAN repository.在备份集属性页显示RMAN信息库中备份集。

7.You can use the Manage Current Backups page to view the backups that are recorded in the RMAN repository.你可以使用当前备份页查看RMAN信息库中记录的备份。

8.Use the RMAN utipty to back up the database while the database is offpne or onpne.在数据库离线或在线的情况下,使用RMAN实用程序备份数据库。

9.RMAN will backup all changes since Thursday.RMAN将备份星期四以后做的所有更改。

10.RMAN will backup all changes since Sunday.RMAN将备份星期天以后做的所有更改。