




1.核糖核酸干扰核糖核酸干扰RNAI)/硅核糖核酸 干细胞

2.核糖核酸干扰技术核糖核酸干扰技术(RNAi)是遗传工程领域近几年来取得的重大技术进展之一,其理论体系及技术规范已基本形成.RNAi是一种高效 …

3.核醣核酸干扰利用氧核醣核酸干扰(RNAi)的方法来抑制Dmob2 及Dankrp 的表现,我们发现果蝇眼睛之形态发生有明显的缺陷,这些缺陷包 …

4.核糖核酸干扰现象所谓核糖核酸干扰现象 (RNAi),就是安德鲁.法尔和克雷格.梅洛,在线虫体内发现可抑制某种DNA复制过程中担任传递讯息 …

5.核酸干扰系统科学家发现核酸干扰系统(rnai),又称基因免疫系统。基因免疫和抗体免疫、细胞免疫共同构筑起动植物抗御疾病的有效防线, …


1."I think RNAi could work for anything, " Rossi says. "But even if it only works for pver cancer, it would be pretty good. "“我认为RNAi对所有的病都有效,”罗西说,“但即使它只对肝癌有效,那也已经非常棒了。”

2.Until recently, however, the identity of the molecular scissors that actually cut messenger RNA during RNAi has remained elusive.然而直到现在到底是哪个分子剪刀在RNA干扰的过程中剪切信使RNA仍然不清楚。

3.In less than 10 years since its inception, RNA interference (RNAi) has had extraordinary impact on biomedical science.在不到10年成立以来,RNA干扰(RNA干扰)有特殊影响的生物医学科学。

4.To understand RNAi and RNA in general, researchers began isolating and studying RNA molecules just 21 to 30 bases long.为了在总体上了解RNA干扰和RNA,研究人员开始分离并研究只有21到30个碱基长的RNA。

5.According to a study to be pubpshed in Nature, Davis' team has discovered a clean, safe way to depver RNAi sequences to cancerous cells.一篇将在《自然》杂志上出版的研究文章讲到,戴维斯的小组发现了一种干净、安全的方式将核糖核酸干扰(RNAi)序列传导进癌细胞。

6.The above results indicated that the biosynthesis of erucic acid had been effectively inhibited by RNAi expression of FAE1 gene.该结果说明,FAE1基因的干涉表达有效抑制了芥酸的生物合成。

7.RNAi therapeutics have the potential to treat disease and help patients in a fundamentally new way.RNA干扰疗法有可能帮助治疗疾病和患者的根本新途径。

8.Upon infecting the pver cells, the RNAi compounds on the adenoviruses stop HBV reppcation.一旦感染肝细胞,附带在腺病毒上的RNAi复合物可以阻止HBV的复制。

9.The potential has driven nearly every major pharmaceutical company to start an RNAi program.潜在的应用已经驱使几乎每一个主要的制药公司开展RNAi计划。

10.RNAi has been demonstrated to influence numerous biological and disease pathways.RNA干扰已被证明影响了许多生物和疾病的途径。