




1.下大雨 38.take sb. to a hospital 把某人送到医院 39.rain heavily 下大雨 40.on the road 在公路上 ...

2.表示雨下得很大 ... thunderstorm n. [气]雷暴,雷雨 rain heavily 表示雨下得很大 The rain is pouring. 倾盆大雨 ...

3.下得大 ... blow strongly (风)吹得大 rain heavily (雨)下得大 change sth into sth 把 …… 变成 …… . ...

4.表示雨吓得很大 ... thunderstorm 雷雨 rain heavily 表示雨吓得很大 pour 倾倒 ...

5.雨下得大 heavy rain 大雨 111. rain heavily 雨下得大 112. blow strongly 猛烈地吹 113. ...

6.雨下的很大 ... thunderstorm: 雷雨,雷阵雨。 rain heavily 雨下的很大。 snowstorm: 暴风雪 ...

7.滂沱大雨 ... 12.hand in the homework on time- 准时交作业 17.rain heavily- 滂沱大雨 20.run after the bus- 追公车 ...


1.We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly.就在我们要离开时,天突然下起了大雨。

2.Because that day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, so there is no way our whole family to look for chicks.因为那天,天空突然下起了大雨,所以,我们全家没有办法去找小鸡。

3.I was about to leave work when it began to rain heavily.我正要下班,这时,天开始下大雨了。

4.We were about to go to work when it began to rain heavily.我们正要去上班,这时天开始下起大雨了。

5.No sooner had the game started than it began to rain heavily.运动会刚开始,天就下起了大雨。

6.she arrived home hardly when it began to rain heavily .当开始下大雨的时候,她回到家很艰难。

7.Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain heavily.他还没去天就下起了大雨。

8.No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain heavily .我刚到家,就下起大雨来了。

9.On arriving in Beijing, it began to rain heavily.一到北京,就开始下起大雨来了。

10.As soon as I set off for the airport, it began to rain heavily.只要我动身去机场时,天开始下大雨了。