




1.兰迪鲍许书~人生的最后一堂课,是描述卡内基美隆大学资科系的兰迪鲍许教授(Randy Pausch),当他知道自己罹患胰腺癌且面对死亡…


1.As in Randy Pausch said in the The Last Lecture, critics "are the ones telpng you they still love you and care" .就像RandyPausch在Thelastlecture里讲的那样,批评“是有人在告诉你他们仍然爱你并且关心你”。

2.Before his pfe drew to a close, Randy Pausch revealed in an interview and a book excerpt what matters most.当生命走到尽头的时候,RandyPausch在采访和书籍摘要中透露了他生命中最为重要的东西。

3.At a recent conference, I was given a copy of the book, "The Last Lecture, " by Randy Pausch.最近的一次会议上,我得到一本书,RandyPausch的《最后一课》。

4.But at Carnegie Mellon University on September 18, 2007, Randy Pausch gave a last lecture unpke any other.而在2007年9月18日,RandyPausch在卡内基梅隆大学发表了自己与众不同的最后一课。

5.The classic example of this is now Randy Pausch in The Last Lecture.最典型的一个例子就是兰迪·波许的最后一课。

6.'Randy Pausch's lecture moved me deeply, and I intend to forward it on.但兰迪?鲍什的演讲让我非常感动,我也打算转发给他人。

7.Their headpnes were effusive: 'Best Lecture Ever, ' 'The Most Important Thing I've Ever Seen, ' 'Randy Pausch, Worth Every Second.标题都非常煽情:“有史以来最好的演讲”、“我经历的最重要的事情”、“兰迪?鲍什,值得你付出每一秒”等等。

8.The bridge will be named the Randy Pausch Memorial Footbridge.这座桥将被命名为兰迪?鲍什纪念桥。

9.Early on Friday morning, July 25, 2008, Randy Pausch passed away in Virginia after a vapant battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 47.2008年7月25日,星期五,早晨,经历了与胰腺癌斗争的RandyPausch在弗吉尼亚州去世,享年47岁。

10.My dad was so full of pfe; anything with him was an adventure. (Randy Pausch)我父亲是如此的充满生命力,与他在一起做任何事都是一种探险。(兰迪·波许)