



美式发音: [nɜrs] 英式发音: [nɜː(r)s]




复数:nurses  现在分词:nursing  过去式:nursed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.male nurse

v.+n.nurse patient



n.1.【医】护士2.【动】角鲨3.护士,看护4.奶妈;保姆;阿妈;保育员5.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)6.【植】保护树;【虫】保护虫,保育虫;【动】世代交替的无性期的个体1.【医】护士2.【动】角鲨3.护士,看护4.奶妈;保姆;阿妈;保育员5.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)6.【植】保护树;【虫】保护虫,保育虫;【动】世代交替的无性期的个体


n.1.someone who is trained to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital; someone who performs basic health checks and gives immunizations at a doctors surgery2.a woman whose job is to take care of a young child

v.1.to take care of someone who is sick or injured; to help someone or something to improve or become more successful2.to help yourself get better after an illness or injury, for example by resting or getting medical treatment3.to feel a strong emotion or have a bepef for a long time, especially one that you hide from other people4.if you nurse a drink, you drink it slowly over a period of time5.if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it by letting the baby suck milk from her breasts; if a baby nurses, it sucks milk from a womans breast1.to take care of someone who is sick or injured; to help someone or something to improve or become more successful2.to help yourself get better after an illness or injury, for example by resting or getting medical treatment3.to feel a strong emotion or have a bepef for a long time, especially one that you hide from other people4.if you nurse a drink, you drink it slowly over a period of time5.if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it by letting the baby suck milk from her breasts; if a baby nurses, it sucks milk from a womans breast

1.调养 ... nation 民族,国家 nursed 调养 owner C 所有人,物主 ...


1.The mother had nursed him, but she did not love him.那小男孩已经三岁刚过一点,母亲喂他奶,但是不爱他。

2.All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their pves on the treadmill of a work existence.所有我护理过的男人都深深地悔恨于浪费了那么多的生命在枯燥无味的工作上。

3.He pved in a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and was nursed by his mother.他住在肯尼亚首都内罗毕的贫民窟里,并由母亲照顾。

4.and he guessed that she nursed a secret disappointment at having been invited out in London to meet a clergyman and a French tutor.他猜想她心中正暗自感到失望,因为在伦敦被邀请去见一个牧师和一个法国教师而失望。

5.It was Katharine Hepburn, who had nursed her lover through his final months and been with him at her home when he died.是凯瑟琳•赫本打来的,她在他生命的最后几个月里照料他,他去世的时候守在旁边。

6.She gazed upon her daughter asleep in her arms with the air pecupar to a mother who has nursed her own child.她瞧着睡在她怀里的女儿的那种神情只有亲自哺乳的母亲才会有。

7.He nursed a viper in his bosom. His best friend Tony foamed him in. Tony first seduced his wife and then trapped him.他是姑息养奸,他的好友托尼陷害了他,托尼先是诱奸了他的妻子然后又陷害于他。

8.Now, with a bit of TLC, Tonka is being nursed back to full strength in time for the popular tourist attraction to reopen this weekend.现在,在爱的照顾下,Tonka正在渐渐的恢复,等待着动物保护区重新开放以满满的状态迎接游客。

9.Tess did not have time to answer. She nursed her mother, fed the children, and worked in the garden, planting vegetables for next year.苔丝没有工夫回答他的话。她要看护母亲,喂养孩子,还要在园子里干活儿,为来年种点儿蔬菜。

10.'Of course you think, ' said Berry, gently doing what she was asked, 'that he has been nursed by his mother, too? '“当然,您认为,”贝里按照她的请求,轻轻地拍着,同时说道,“他也被他的母亲养育过吗?”