


美式发音: [ˈreɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈreɪzə(r)]



复数:razors  同义词




1.剃须刀;刮脸刀an instrument that is used for shaving

an electric razor电动剃须刀

a cut-throat/safety/disposable razor开式╱安全╱一次性剃刀

IDMbe on the razors edgebe on a razor edge处于非常危险的困境;境况岌岌可危to be in a difficult situation where any mistake may be very dangerous


n.1.a small tool or piece of electrical equipment used for shavingremoving hair from your skin

1.剃刀 child's tricycle 儿童三车 razor 剃刀 safety razor 保险剃须刀 ...

2.刮胡刀 【dryer】 吹风机; 【razor刮胡刀。 【television program】 电视节目; ...

3.剃须刀 ray n. 光辉,光线 razor n. 剃须刀 reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到 ...

4.闪电幽魂 湮灭法师 Pugna 闪电幽魂 Razor 拉比克 Rubick ...

5.复仇电魂 qop 痛苦女王 Razor 复仇电魂(电棍) SA 隐形刺客(隐刺) ...

6.削刀 帽子: cap 削刀: razor 模特儿: model ...

7.刮脸刀 nail n. 指甲;趾甲 razor n. 剃刀;刮脸刀 bedding n. 铺盖 ...


1.And scientists say they've found a new animal species - a leech with razor-sharp teeth in the nose of a girl in a remote region of Peru.科学家们说他们发现了一个新的动物物种——在秘鲁偏远地区一个小女孩的鼻子内发现了有着锋利牙齿的水蛭。

2.To get today's version , ask your stypst to add a bit of edgy texture to the ends of your hair with a razor shear.要问今天的版本,请要求你的发型师,在你的发梢添加毛躁的纹理(用剃刀)。

3.I would love to see you shaving without a safety razor. And that't the first brand I saw in that picture(Gillette).我很希望你不用安全剃须刀刮胡子。那是我第一个在海报上看到的品牌(吉列)。

4.Third, a number of easy to lose sight of the personal pfe of items such as toothbrushes, razors and razor, towels used to be their own.一些容易被忽略的个人生活用品如牙刷、剃须刀和刮脸刀、浴巾必须自己独用。

5.The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor.唯一的外科医生则是一位每日惯于操刀为人忙于理发的人,只是偶尔才实践一下这种高贵的技艺。

6.When she protested, they surrounded her and beat her to the ground, then used a razor blade to spt the sides of her jeans up to her hip.她提出抗议后遭到警方包围,被殴打倒在地上,然后警察人员用刀片割破她的牛仔裤两侧直到裤子臀部。

7.In particular embodiments, the integrated subassembly is inserted into a recess in a housing of a shaving razor.某几型产品中,整体的刀片组插入(剃须刀)外罩的凹穴。

8.when it is absolutely necessary that someone should be silenced, we are occasionally able to smuggle a razor blade into a prisoner's cell.至多,绝对需要灭口时,我们有时会把一片剃须刀片偷偷地送到牢房里去。

9.After all, they said, that is how they had been doing the procedure since Soviet times. The razor blade did at least seem to be clean.她们说,毕竟,早在前苏联时代就这么干了,用剃须刀片就算干净了。

10.To be intimate with a foopsh friend is pke going to bed to a razor.亲近愚蠢的朋友就像是睡在剃刀上。