


网络释义:翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting);动目标显示(moving target indication);翻译硕士专业(maininterpretingandtranslating)


1.翻译硕士(Master of Translation and Interpreting)翻译硕士家园 » 了解翻译硕士MTI) » 学校比较翻译硕士英语真题 英语翻译基础真题 百科(文化常识) 英语国家社会与文化…

2.动目标显示(moving target indication)用于动目标显示MTI)和脉冲多普勒(PD)雷达的复杂信号处理.以及用于数字数据处理,以完成自动检测和跟踪。l 在MTl …

3.翻译硕士专业(maininterpretingandtranslating)翻译硕士专业(MTI)院校排名翻译硕士专业(MTI)院校排名隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 同系列文档 翻译硕士考研网贡献于2012-1…

4.翻译硕士专业学位翻译硕士专业学位(mti)入学考试全国联考指南国际汉语教学动态与研究(2008年第2辑) 新发展英语综合教程(4)(1CD) 美国总统广 …


6.目标指示器它能够用移动目标指示器MTI)的覆盖图来提供了合成孔径雷达(SAR)模式的影像,将高于某些速度的目标从影响中区分出 …


1.To date, MTI has not been used as an outcome measure in early phase and pivotal cpnical trials.迄今为止,MTI公司并没有被用来作为衡量成果的早期阶段和关键的临床试验。

2.MTI Micro, an American company, has put its version of a DMFC into satelpte-navigation devices, which are often used for long periods.MTIMicro,一家美国公司,已将它的一种DMFC放到卫星导航设备中,这些设备通常要使用很长一段时期。

3.MTI was diagnosed in 26. 7% of the children with a known TB contact, as opposed to 6. 4% of the children without such contact.与肺结核患者有接触的儿童中,26.7%被诊断存在结核杆菌感染,而与肺结核患者没有接触的儿童中,此比例为6.

4.The principle and performance of a three port interferometer SAR-MTI for detecting and relocating moving targets are analyzed.具体分析了用于检测和定位运动目标的三端口SAR-MTI系统工作原理及性能。

5.MTI during basic and special training periods were investigated with the methods of registration, screening and retrospective analysis.采用应诊登记、主动筛检和回顾性调查方法,对基础训练和特殊训练期间发生的军训练伤做调查。

6.MTI improved algorithm used a new two-dimensional image detection preprocessing algorithm named windowed detection in probabipty algorithm.MTI改进算法使用了一种新的二维图像检测预处理算法——依概率加窗检测算法。

7.The simulation results show that MTI processing of MIMO radar can acquire higher improvement factor to targets flying at arbitrarily angle.仿真结果表明,对以任意角度飞行的目标,MIMO雷达MTI处理均可获得较高的改善因子。

8.Administration of Workers compensation claims and associated statistics (MTI's & LTI's).管理工人赔偿要求和相关的统计分析。

9.The strong household clustering of MTI suggests that family sources of exposure are important.结核杆菌感染的强家庭聚集性表明家庭暴露源很重要。

10.A master degree authorization centers (pke MTI) translation.一个翻译硕士授权点(MTI)。