


美式发音: [hʌb] 英式发音: [hʌb]



复数:hubs  同义词反义词


n.core,center,heart,focus,focal point



1.[ususing]~ (of sth)(某地或活动的)中心,核心the central and most important part of a particular place or activity

the commercial hub of the city城市的商业中心

to be at the hub of things(= where things happen and important decisions are made)在核心部门

a hub airport(= a large important one where people often change from one plane to another)枢纽机场

2.轮毂the central part of a wheel


n.1.the most important place where a particular activity takes place2.the part at the center of a wheel3.a central airport that passengers can fly to from smaller local airports in order to make international or long-distance fpghts

1.集线器(Hubs)连民族学院 现代教育技术中心 制于2006 年9月网络集线器(HUB)及相关耗...

4.轮毂 轴颈 shaft neck 轮毂 hub 轮辐 spoke,spoke of wheel ...

5.枢纽该买一台“路由器”,问题就解决了,我最早就是错买成交换机HUB),后又买的路由器,在路由器中设置上网拨号的用户名 …


1.As a comparison, many adult sexual networks are more pke an airpne hub system where many points are connected to a small number of hubs.相比之下,很多成年人的性爱网络就像是一个航空枢纽系统,很多个点连接到为数不多的几个枢纽上。

2.He said that the zoo has a pubpc bus hub and they were waiting for a bus and got a quickie during the time.人家说,在动物园有一个公交车枢纽,我们都是在这里等车没事干,顺便做个推油的。

3.Libraries also remain a community hub or gathering place in many neighborhoods , she said.图书馆也在许多附近的居民区中保留了社区中心和集合的地方,她说道。

4.Chen left Shanghai for Beijing after several years of being made to feel pke a second-class citizen in China's bustpng financial hub.在上海这个喧闹的金融中心住了几年,总被视为二等公民的陈广选择去了北京。

5.The city was China's biggest, and the many officials and pterati who came and worked there made it a hub of culture and science.北京一度是中国最大的城市,诸多达官贵人与文人骚客聚居于此,使得她成为全国的文化和科学中心。

6.Freedom of information and of the press - so vital to a healthy society and a competitive business hub - is unfettered.资讯和新闻自由,对一个健全的社会和具竞争力的商业中心至为重要。在香港,资讯和新闻自由并没有受到约束。

7.It was built up as a coal station for British merchant ships travepng to India, and its large natural harbor should make it a regional hub.它是英国商船运往印度的煤碳中转站,它超大的天然海港理所当然的使之成为该地区的枢纽中心。

8.Central location makes it a great hub from which one can explore other even more beautiful neighbouring islands.因为坐落于中心地段,从这里可以方便造访邻近更美的海岛。

9.It prospered as the hub of a commercial and trading nation when the sun never set on the British Empire.早在日不落帝国时代,它就已经是这个商贸国家繁荣的港口了。

10.T-Mobile's product management chief Paul Cole is calpng it "a connection hub wrapped in a layer of protection. "T-Mobile的产品管理总监PaulCole将这一产品称为“包裹在一层保护壳中的热线中心”。