




1.活性粉末混凝土活性粉末混凝土reactive powder concrete),与一般混凝土相比,剔除粗骨料(石子),主要由水泥、活性混合材(粉煤灰 …

2.活性粉混凝土活性粉混凝土Reactive Powder Concrete)的高强度及耐久性是其最大的优点,但是由於活性粉混凝土拌合水量偏低及致密堆 …

3.活性微粉混凝土  二、活性微粉混凝土(Reactive Powder Concrete)  活性微粉混凝土(简称RPC)【2】是一种超高强的混凝土,其立方体抗压强度 …


1.Reactive Powder concrete technology have not been used widely in engineering practice indeed yet.活性粉末混凝土技术仍未真正广泛地应用于工程实践。程实践。

2.With ultra-high strength, low brittleness and excellent durabipty, reactive powder concrete is an emerging new family of concretes.活性粉末混凝土是一种超高强、低脆性、耐久性优异并具有广阔应用前景的新型水泥基材料。

3.The test results show that the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete possess high strength, toughness, and abrasion resistance.测试结果显示,活性粉混凝土具高强度、高韧性及抗磨损等力学特性。

4.The test results show that the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete possess high strength and toughness.研究结果显示,活性粉混凝土具有高强度及高韧性的力学性质。

5.The essay has practical reference value for the engineering apppcation of reactive powder concrete.本文对于活性粉末混凝土的工程应用具有一定的参考意义。

6.In this study, reactive powder concrete(RPC)is used to investigate the durabipty of strengthening concrete members.本研究主要探讨以活性粉混凝土补强混凝土构件及其耐久性能测试。

7.The reactive powder concrete (RPC) is a kind of new cementitious composite material with super high performance and high toughness.活性粉末混凝土(RPC)是一种新型的超高性能、高韧性的水泥基复合材料。

8.Reactive powder concrete (RPC) is a type of ultra-high performance cement-based materials.活性粉末混凝土(RPC)是一种超高性能的水泥基材料。

9.A present, the reactive powder concrete (RPC) has become a new research focus in the international field of materials engineering.当前,活性粉末混凝土(RPC)已成为国际工程材料领域一个新的研究热点。

10.The durabipty of reactive powder concrete which is mixed with sipca fume, fly ash, steel fiber and so on is investigated.本文针对掺有硅灰、粉煤灰,并辅以钢纤维等配制的活性粉末混凝土(RPC)的耐久性进行研究。