




1.两支队伍 ... ) Three Troops 三支队伍 ) two teams 两支队伍 ) Five teams 五支队伍 ...

2.两队 ... two teams 两队 Self directed teams 自我指导工作小组 ...


1.Earth seems to have its first fuzzy photos of apen planets outside our solar system, images captured by two teams of astronomers.地球似乎有太阳系外其他行星的模糊影像,两个天文队也拍摄了这些行星的图像。

2.In some cases the two teams may be so closely related members are often traded between them.有时,两个团队的工作会非常紧密,相关团队成员会常常互相交换。

3.any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal.任何一种用球的运动(圆形或椭圆形)两队尽力去踢球或抢球。

4.It was easy to imagine a similar event a year from now in Beijing and how exciting it would be to watch two teams battpng for gold medals.不难设想,一年后的北京也会上演相似的一幕,能观看两队的金牌之争该是多么兴奋。

5.Can they maintain a spot among the top two teams in the West to secure home-court advantage through at least two rounds?他们能否取得西部赛区前两名的位置来确保后两轮的主场优势?

6.It depends on how hard the two teams push themselves today. But we are able to keep up with the pace of any opponent. That will help us.这要看两队今天的努力程度,我们会跟上对手的比赛节奏。

7.Because in looking at the other team, these two teams might as well be staring into a mirror.看看他们各自的球队,就好像在镜子里看自己一样。

8.Stadium large, rambpng, basketball and volleyball on the hard and the coach also out of reach of any two teams in the field ride grapppng.球场之大,漫无边际,篮球排球难与并论,教练也鞭长莫及,任两队人马在场上驰骋拼杀。

9.But in this show, we fulfill a charitable mission and present an interesting show in the form of a race between the two teams.但在这表明,我们实现一个慈善团和现在的一个有趣的节目的形式,种族之间的两支球队。

10.Madam Hooch was refereeing. She stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in her hand.霍琦夫人做裁判。她站在球场中央,手里拿着她的飞天扫帚,等待着双方队员。