




1.每日电讯报 Soil( 土壤) The Telegraph( 电报) The Weathervane( 风向标) ...

5.每日电报根据英国《每日电报》(The Telegraph)报导,英国兰开斯特大学(Lancaster University)的研究人员发现,脑部退化性疾病 …


1.He had been "mesmerising" at the table, he told the Telegraph in his last whispered interview, and with practice he could be so again.球场上他曾经光芒四射,在最后的一次耳语般的采访中他告诉《电讯报》:只要稍加训练,他还可以重振雄风。

2.In 1827, Harrison Grey Dyer used a form of the telegraph on long Island, New York, but he gave up the idea.1827年,哈里森·格雷·戴尔曾在纽约长岛使用了一种电报形式,但是他放弃了这个想法。

3.If I tell you that the telegraph said nothing about which hospital my aunt was in, you might feel a pttle funny.我如果告诉你,电报上根本没有说舅妈住在芜湖的哪个医院,你也许会觉得有点好玩。

4.But just as our diplomats eventually mastered the telegraph, they are doing the same to harness the potential of these new tools as well.但正如我们的外交人员最终还是掌握了电报一样,他们也在为掌握这些新工具的潜力而努力。

5.He could still hear the Morse on the telegraph, and background noise did not disturb him as much as it did people with normal hearing.电报机里的摩尔斯电码他还能听得见。背景噪音对正常人会造成干扰,对他却没什么影响。

6.Tom was deeply interested in the telegraph which had been invented just before he was born.电报技术是在汤姆出生前不久问世的。汤姆对它深感兴趣。

7.How much is the book? 4. She went to the telegraph office in a hurry.这本书多少钱?她匆匆忙忙向电报局去了。

8.For a broadsheet, the Telegraph seems to run an awful lot of tabloid celebrity articles.作为一份大报,《电讯报》似乎发表了太多的以明星为内容的小报式文章。

9.In the Telegraph interview, the chancellor said the British economy was "on the mend" .在电讯报的采访中,该大臣说英国经济“正在转好”。

10.But they did not know that the telegraph office wires only went into the nearby forest.但这些发电报者并不知道所谓有电报局的电线只是延伸到附近的森林中,这里并没有真正的电报局。