




1.看透我心 175 Cinderella 灰姑娘 183 Read My Mind 看透我心 186 That Night 那一夜 ...

2.懂我 For Reasons Unknown 不明原因 Read My Mind 懂我 Uncle Jonny 强尼叔叔 ...

3.读懂我的心 westpfe - Uptown Girl 翻唱 Sweetbox - Read My Mind 读懂我的心 Brian McKnight - Back At One 蓝调 ...

4.理解我 ... 当你看着老去的我, As I am growing very old and older, 理解我Read my mind, 支持我, Hear my voic…

5.猜透我的心思 ... 53.Vertical buttonholes 条纹纽扣式 54.read my mind 猜透我的心思 55.It's marvelous 好极了 ...



1.He must have read my mind, because he firmly seized the doorknob and pushed his way in with me.他一定是看穿了我的心思,因为他紧紧抓住了门把手,推搡着我走进屋中。

2.She smiled at me as if she had read my mind.她对我笑好像她猜透了我的心事似的。

3.It seemed that the pttle boy could read my mind, and he quietly gave some newspapers of that day to me.这个小男孩好象读懂了我的心思,他默默的递给我一些当日的报纸。

4.What? Just blurt it out? I can't do that. I can give you a hint, but since you love me so much, I'm sure you can read my mind.什么?直接告诉你?我不能这样。我可以给你一些提示,而且既然你那么喜欢我,就一定能读懂我的心思。

5.It was as if the cake could read my mind, and at that point gave up entirely.这个蛋糕好像懂我的心思似的,所以在开始的那个阶段完全放弃了自己。

6.If one day I tell you "If I can choose again, I won't fall for you" can you read my mind?假使有一天我跟你说:“让我重新选择的话,我不会爱上你。”你能体谅我的心情吗?

7.You can stop trying to read my mind, sugar.你可以不用尝试读我的思想了小甜心

8.But i, I knew right from the start, The way i felt inside, if you could read my mind.但我知道从一开始到现在我对你的感觉有多真切,只要你用心发现。

9.I know that others cannot be expected to read my mind or to guess my needs.我知道我不能期望别人读懂我的心或猜到我的需要。

10.It seemed that the pttle boy could read my mind, and he quietly gave me some newspapers of that day.这个小男孩好像能读懂我的心思,他默默地递给我一些当日的报纸。