

snow day

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1.下雪天 What color is it? 它是什么颜色的? snow day 下雪天 count the bananas 数香蕉 ...

2.下雪日 大买卖( The Score) 下雪日( Snow Day) 超新星( Supernova) ...

3.雪日 snow depth 雪深 snow day 雪日 icing 积冰 ...

4.白雪奇迹 正义的代价 Whatever It Takes 下雪的日子 Snow Day 神鬼愿望 Bedazzl…

6.雪假.C'mon, 捧个人场吧  Jennifer December …

7.雪天图片 ... 很多雪它是图片 So snowy it is 3 雪天图片 Snow Day 3 追逐日出下来在之下图片 Chasing Sunrise Down Under 1 ...


1.She said this was "maybe the second or third time" her employer had an optional snow day in the last five years.她说“这可能是我遇到过的第二或者第三次因为大雪天而休假了。”单位在过去五年好像有问过一次类似的选择题。

2.Snow Day Long surging water from the Sea came by shedding the top of the waterfall, Jumping drizzly mist.滔滔水流自诺日朗群海而来,经瀑布的顶部流下,腾起蒙蒙水雾。

3.With Wednesday's bpzzard compounding the effects of last week's storm in Washington, the federal government announced another snow day.上周由于华盛顿暴风雪的影响,联邦政府宣布再放一天假。

4.Snow Day Long Falls drop 20 meters, 300 meters wide and is a large waterfall in Jiuzhaigou one of the most spacious.诺日朗瀑布落差20米,宽达300米,是九寨沟众多瀑布中最宽阔的一个。

5.So in winter what I can do. Snow day we can go out to make a snowman, snowball fights, play sledge, and your friends!所以在冬天我能做点什么。下雪天我们可以出去堆雪人、打雪仗、玩爬犁,和您的朋友们!

6.But for Shanghai, in weather terms it amounted to a snowless snow day.但对于上海,以天气术语来说,这相当于无雪的雪天。

7.Different people pke different weather. My favorite weather is snow day.天气分很多种,例如雪天、雨天、晴天等等,我最喜欢的天气是雪天。

8.Napoleon and his man went in through the snow day after day.拿破仑和他的士兵们在冰天雪地里一天接一天的走着。

9.I can't wait until the next snow day.我等不及下一个下雪天的来临了。

10.If is snowing, then you can feel all around is graceful and honest! So my favorite weather is snow day.假如正在下雪,那么你会感觉到周围的环境是优雅浪漫的。