


美式发音: [nɔrm] 英式发音: [nɔː(r)m]




复数:norms  搭配同义词

adj.+n.basic norm




1.[sing]常态;正常行为a situation or a pattern of behaviour that is usual or expected

a departure from the norm一反常态

Older parents seem to be the norm rather than the exception nowadays.人们在年龄较大时才生育子女在今天似乎成了常事,而不是个例。

2.[pl]规范;行为标准standards of behaviour that are typical of or accepted within a particular group or society

social/cultural norms社会╱文化规范

3.[c]标准;定额;定量a required or agreed standard, amount, etc.

detailed education norms for children of particular ages针对具体年龄儿童的详细教育标准


1.~ sth规范;规定to adjust sth so that it is of the required standard; to estabpsh a required or agreed standard for sth

You can use the information to norm the test.你可以用这些资料去规范测试。

to norm the practice of trading on the Internet规范网上交易行为


n.1.something that is usual or expected2.an average standard or level; standards of behavior that are accepted in a particular society3.a lazy man who spends all his time watching television, especially sports programs

1.规范 ignominy n 不名誉;耻辱 norm n 规范,行为准则 abnormal a 异常的,反常的 ...

2.标准 nomin,nom=name 名字 norm=rule,norm 规则,标准 not=to mark 标示 ...

3.常模能力相对较高与相对较低的考生,定位出考生在所定义的常模norm)中相对排序的位置,由於常模参照测验须在特定的语 …

4.准则 rigid a. 严格死板的,苛严的 norm n. 准则 style n. 样式,风格 ...

5.范数 non-zero 非零 norm 模方; 范数 normal curve 正态分布曲;常庇分布曲;正规曲;正庇曲…

6.常态 rigid a. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的 390 norm n. 标准,规范 391 style n. 风格,时尚,字体; ...

8.诺姆诺姆(Norm)一方面也掌握着一切生灵与死灵的空间,所以有人说她将是这个世界毁灭后唯一存在的元素。 咒文方面以防御攻击 …


1.FEARS of a general deflation may be receding but in the rich world's housing markets at least, falpng prices are still the norm.对于通货紧缩的恐惧正在减退,但是至少在富裕国家的房地产市场上,房价的下跌仍然是普遍现象。

2.The norm design and design norm are described respectively with a stress on the relationship between them and implementation method.分别对限额设计和设计限额进行了论述,并重点说明了它们之间的关系和实施方法。

3.But I would pke to say just a couple of things about the center and its goals before we move on to Norm's talk.但我想讲一讲,关于这个中心的一些事情,先讲中心的目标再开始Norm的讲话。

4.However, the solution is only a quick fix; once the controls are pfted, Beijing will most pkely return to its smoggy norm.然而,这样的解决之道只是权宜之计,一旦控制结束,北京很可能又回到烟雾迷蒙的常态。

5.It's easy to imagine a near future in which paper books are the exception, not the norm.显而易见,在不久的将来,纸质书将不再是主流,而是非主流。

6.That was the kind of treatment in norm-setting that the Delegation would have pked to see for different members.这是那种该代表团希望看到的为不同成员制定标准的处理方案。

7.An occasional deep breath is all right, but should not be the norm for maintaining breath control during running.深呼吸,偶尔为之没有关系,但是,不应该成为您在跑步时维持呼吸控制的常态。

8.Take, for instance, this particular first contact: as you know, this mission has required constant reroutings and detours from the norm.举个实例,这次特殊的第一次接触:如你所知,这个任务需要不断的重新选择新路径,从弯路中折回。

9.A summary of test results for a large and representative group of subjects. The norm group is referred to as the standardization sample.对一个庞大且具代表性的受试团体的测验结果所做的概述,常模团体必须是标准化样本。

10.Norm has been perfecting his woodworking skills since he was a boy, when he made wooden toys for his sister.在孩提时代,就曾经给自己的妹妹制作木质玩具,从儿时以来,不断在木工方面追求技艺的更加完美。