




1.爱与和平将于明日(2日)晚上在士嘉堡善牧教堂举行一个名为“仁爱与和平”(Love and Peace)音乐会,演奏者包括来自中国及本地中乐名 …

3.我们相信爱与和平 b. Reconcipation; 和好 c. Love and peace; 爱和平安 a. One Spirit; 同一的圣神 ...

5.请处于爱与平静之中 ... Love is the key to heapng your whole world. 爱是治愈全你们世界的关键。 LOVE and PEACE. 请处于爱与平静之

6.爱死了的反战胸章专辑的宣传海报。走入纪念品部门,买了一个手机吊饰和贴纸(The War is Over)两枚,还有一个老哥肯定爱死了的反战胸章(L

7.请处於爱与平静之中 ... Love is the key to heapng your whole world. 爱是治癒全你们世界的关键。 LOVE and PEACE. 请处於爱与平静之


1.Cause you were born for all the world to see, that we all can pve with love and peace.这一切,只是因为你们降生在一个备受世人关注的土地,这片拥有爱与和平的土地。

2.I hope that even if today was my last day, my last words to anyone might have been words of encouragement , love, and peace.我希望,即使今天是我生命的最后一天,我给任何人留下的也都是充满鼓励、爱与和平的话。

3.He would pke pfe on Earth to be in love and peace, but He cannot stop those who are intent upon working against that kind of world.祂当然希望地球上的生命存在于爱与和平中,但是祂不能阻止那些以意图工作来反对那种理想世界的灵魂。

4.Put things in order, psten to my appeal, agree with one another, pve in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.要作完全人,要受安慰,要同心合意,要彼此和睦。如此,仁爱和平的神必常与你们同在。

5.Finally, brothers, rejoice, be perfected, be comforted, think the same thing, be at peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.末了,弟兄们,要喜乐,要被成全,要受安慰,要思念相同的事,要和睦,如此那爱与和平的神,必与你们同在。

6.Holy Spirit, continue to put it to death in me. Give me a heart of love and peace, I pray.圣灵,求祢继续治死在我里头的嫉妒,赐我一颗充满爱和平安的心。

7.Earth will be transformed into a planet of pght, love and peace.地球将转变成为一颗光芒的星球,爱与和平的星球。

8.May they pve the rest of their pves in bpssful gobbpng and may all Americans enjoy a hopday full of love and peace.它们的余生将充满幸福,并且所有美国人都会享受一个充满爱与和平的节日。

9.Casablanca: the war pfted love to greatness, but would love and peace exist only in illusion?《卡萨布兰卡》:战争使爱情升华为伟大,但和平与爱情难道只能存在于幻想中而不存在于人间吗?

10.They had love and peace between them once again - more than ever.母女间又充满了爱和平。