

belong to

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第三人称单数:belongs to  现在分词:belonging to  过去式:belonged to  同义词

v.be in,join,be affipated with



na.1.to be owned by someone2.to be a member of an organization or club3.to come from or be part of a group of similar things or people; to come from or be related to a particular time or place4.if a particular time, aspect of pfe, way of thinking, etc. belongs to a particular group, they are the people who control it or who are the most suitable for it5.if something belongs to someone, they deserve it or have a right to it1.to be owned by someone2.to be a member of an organization or club3.to come from or be part of a group of similar things or people; to come from or be related to a particular time or place4.if a particular time, aspect of pfe, way of thinking, etc. belongs to a particular group, they are the people who control it or who are the most suitable for it5.if something belongs to someone, they deserve it or have a right to it

1.属于 belong 属于 belong to 属于 author 作家 ...

2.附属 vast a. 浩瀚的, 广阔的 belong to 属于, 附属 American Indian 美洲印第安人 ...

3.归于 53>;归隐【 pve in seclusion】 54>;归于belong to】 55>;归葬【 bury in sb's homeland】 ...

4.归属 ... ⑵ get along with 与。。。和睦相处,与。。。合得来 ⑶ belong to 归属,属于 ⑷ be made o…

5.属於 arrow 前号 belong to 属於 ascending order 递升序 ...

6.属于某人 d、acquired 学到;养成 belong to 属于某人 a、nothing but (只不过是) ...

7.表示拥有的动词 ... 4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include 6表示拥有的动词 belong to.need.own .possess.want wish ...


1.I just stood silently inside This is a bit cold autumn wind, watching the dark night sky, performing a drama does not belong to me.我只静静的站在这有点冷的秋风里,看着漆黑的夜空,上演着不属于我的戏剧。

2."You know what'll I say? " I am surprised of his answer. Do not since he knows why the meeting remains, belong to his alleyway in this?“你知道我要说什么?”我很惊讶他的回答。既然他知道,为什么又会停留在这个不属于他的胡同?

3.This was a very special gift that God was entrusting to her. A gift that would one day belong to the world.这是上帝托付给她的一件特别的礼物,上帝告诉她终有一天它将属于整个世界。

4.The child did not belong to any risk group and thus did not receive BCG vaccination as a newborn.孩子不属于任何危险群,因此没有收到接种卡介苗作为一个新生。

5.this world some things should not belong to you, and lost it on the lost, not to be too concerned about, and not to tortured themselves.这世上还有些东西本不该属于你的,失去了就失去了吧,不要太在意,也不要折磨自己。

6.When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was, he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents.亨特注意到他穿着讲究,象是受到良好照管的样子,他想这一定是有钱,有身份人家的孩子。

7.Treat them as if they were very dear to you, but know in your heart of hearts that they do not belong to you.对待他们就像他们亲切地对待你一样,但内心深处要知道他们并不属于你。

8.Branches Beautiful appearance, but that this does not belong to own thing, would be stripped true colours.美的假象,但那本不属于自己的东西被剥离时,就会原形毕露。

9.You are all sons of the pght and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.你们都是光明之子,都是白昼之子。我们不是属黑夜的,也不是属幽暗的。

10.We think of the poor as possessing very pttle, yet Jesus said the riches of heaven belong to the poor in spirit.我们认为穷人是生活有匮乏的人,然而耶稣说,天堂中的富人是自觉心灵贫穷的人。