


网络释义:拒绝(reject);快速经济合理性验证(Rapid Economic Justification);拒收


1.拒绝(reject) ACC: 允收 REJ拒收 SI-SIV:Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水平等级 ...

4.重新加入 ... rd: 国度停机 rej: 重新加入 rpwt: 人品问题 ...

5.阻碍 lp - 经纬度指示器 REJ 拒绝,否定,抑制,阻碍 ACC 自动拥塞控制信息消息 ...

6.抑制 lp - 经纬度指示器 REJ 拒绝,否定,抑制,阻碍 ACC 自动拥塞控制信息消息 ...


1.Rej says. Ms. Traniello sidesteps the issue by avoiding Matt's room, and tries 'not to say too much, ' she says.她说,特伦尼罗女士尽量不去麦特的房间,刻意回避这个问题,并试着“不要说太多。”

2.At present, there is no arrangement between the HKSAR and the Mainland on issues relating to reciprocal enforcement of judgments(REJ).至今为止,在内地与香港民商事判决的承认与执行方面,尚无相互执行判决的安排。

3.Instead, it will be written to a file called Motorcycle. java. rej, as shown in Listing 9.相反,它将会被写到一个叫Motorcycle.java.rej的文件中,如清单9所示。

4.rej files and insert the rejected hunks into the sources by hand using a text editor -- ick!rej文件,然后使用文本编辑器手工将被拒绝的部分插入到源码中--真麻烦!

5.The Generate a . rej file for unmerged hunks stores the entries from the patch file that were not appped during the operation.Generatea.rejfileforunmergedhunks存放了操作过程中没有被应用的补丁文件的条目。

6.Rej counters that Matt behaves well, and contends that raising a modern teenager requires a lot of pstening and give and take.但是,瑞吉女士则认为麦特表现很好,并辩解说养育现在的青少年需要多加听取他们的心声,也需要平等相待。

7.Rej and her husband should set stricter rules. But Ms.特伦尼罗女士认为女儿和女婿应该制定严格的规定。

8.Look for any files ending with . rej.查找任何以.rej结尾的文件。

9.If any . rej files exist, this means that one of the patches didn't apply correctly and requires manual fixing.如果存在任何.rej文件,则意味着未正确地应用某个补丁,需要手工修改。