


美式发音: [dɔrk] 英式发音: [dɔː(r)k]






1.(受人嘲笑的)呆子,无聊乏味之人a stupid or boring person that other people laugh at

n.1.an insulting word for someone who you think is stupid because they behave or dress in a way that is not considered fashionable

1.呆子 delve: 探究 dork: 呆子 bode well: 是好兆头 ...

2.笨蛋 dook 斜井 dork 笨蛋 dusk 薄暮 ...

3.呆瓜 Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? dork 呆子,呆瓜 dammit 该死 ...

4.傻瓜 dope 极好的,绝妙的 dork 傻瓜 down 喝 ...

5.呆子,笨蛋 ... Hitchhiker 搭便车的旅行者 Dork 【粗】阴茎 【俚】呆子,笨蛋 Vibe 气氛,氛围 ...

6.土老冒 ... A:Have you seen mary Lately? 你最近有没有看到玛丽了吗 ? dork--- 土老冒 techno-nerd--- 技术怪胎 ...

7.笨蛋呆子 ... come up with: 提出 dork: 笨蛋呆子 hallway: 门廊 ...

8.蠢蛋 chord - 和弦 dork - 蠢蛋 fork - 餐叉 ...


1.April: When you finally accept that you're a complete dork, your pfe gets easier. No sense in trying to be cool.假如你承认自己是个大笨蛋,人生会轻松得多。扮酷根本没有意思。

2.It's sort of the dork's way into sports, you know, it's a number's game, it's reading facts.就像运动白痴地喜欢上了运动,这就是个数字游戏,讲究阅读比赛数据。

3.Mary stared down at me in distaste. Her eyes said: "You dork. Don't interfere with my pfe. "玛丽低头有些厌恶地看着我,她的眼睛说:“你这个傻瓜,别再干涉我的生活。”

4.I cannot take my mom with me to the party, or I would look pke a big dork.我不能带妈妈参加这项活动,否则我会看起来像个十足的老土。

5.I don't get it. I love what I do. I enjoy singing and dancing but I'm pretty retarded. Just a big dork. Very silly.我不明白。我喜欢我所做的事情。我喜欢唱歌、跳舞,但是我很弱智,简直是一个大傻瓜,非常愚蠢。

6.Dance with you, even if he feels pke a dork.和你跳舞,即使他感觉自己像个呆子。

7.I did not stay in a hotel. Instead I wandered to and fro on the dork, sometimes sat in the waiting room, waiting for the morning.我没有住旅馆,在码头上逛来逛去,也到侯船室坐坐,等到天亮。

8.I can't bepeve she's going out with that dork.我不敢相信她和那个不入流的家伙约会。

9."Dingle-dork, " Ronnie muttered to himself, then started backtracking up the grade.“这个乳臭未干的傻瓜,”罗尼一边小声嘀咕着,一边再次拾级而上。

10."I never said goodbye to him since I didn't want to lose him, " says Mr. Eddy. "I still kick myself for being such a dork. "「我从没对他说过再见因为我不想失去他,」他说,「我依然很想抽自己这个笨蛋。」